Is there a way to cleanly remove all gapps?


13 Aug 2019
Hello everyone, I am planning to burn a custom ROM to replace the bloated Chinese MIUI, and came across the seemingly fantastic ROMs.

I'm considering ROM since it's still MIUI, so compat issues are less likely to occur compared with LOS/AOSP based ROMs.

But since I'm in China the obvious problem is with the bundled gapps. Is there a way to remove them all, as if they are not bundled at all? I searched but most threads state there could be problems during gapps removal.

I would prefer competely removing them, rather than freezing them.

Also is it possible for the developer to consider creating a variation without gapps? Since it seems that install gapps package is still convenient if it's not bundled, but if it's bundled it would possibly be a lot of hassle removing them. So it makes sense to have a clean minimal without gapps.

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Download the System App Uninstaller APK From Google Playstore and delete all the GApps stuff. Yes that does permanently remove the apps, After rebooting the Apps will be gone. U can still restore them or permanently remove them from the saved backup in the App's Setting (If U want them 1000% gone). After that there's no getting them back, even after deleting the app.
Also is it possible to tweak the ROM package to remove gapps prior to flashing? I wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty if it's possible at all.