- 3 Jun 2013
- 2
- 13
Hi there,
i have a really strange behaviour ad hoping to find some help here. I am using V14.0.31.0.TMCCNXM on Xiaomi 13 (fuxi) but its the same on V14.0.27.
Two days ago i started to recognize that my Signal messenger app does not work anymore. It hangs and crashes. At the same time i recognized that no camera-app is working anymore. Also for example tasker my not work and i can see lots of logs like
I already have done a factory reset (yesterday), restored my apps from (Neo)Backup and after this all was working fine again. Today the same wierd behaviour came up again.
Does anybody know the cause or even this behaviour at all?
Thanks in advance!
i have a really strange behaviour ad hoping to find some help here. I am using V14.0.31.0.TMCCNXM on Xiaomi 13 (fuxi) but its the same on V14.0.27.
Two days ago i started to recognize that my Signal messenger app does not work anymore. It hangs and crashes. At the same time i recognized that no camera-app is working anymore. Also for example tasker my not work and i can see lots of logs like
10-17 15:10:33.708 8210 9983 E AppPredictBayes: write to file
10-17 15:10:33.708 8210 10219 E AppPredictBayesNew: write to file
10-17 15:10:34.373 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: Going to connect.
10-17 15:10:34.373 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: failed to connect to server -1:Connection refused, retry
10-17 15:10:34.573 1858 6432 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data
10-17 15:10:34.573 1858 6431 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data
10-17 15:10:34.574 1858 6432 E ANDR-PERF-LM: AdaptiveLaunch: writeToDataBase() 64: Meter aborted or could not get meter data for this run
10-17 15:10:36.374 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: Going to connect.
10-17 15:10:36.374 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: failed to connect to server -1:Connection refused, retry
10-17 15:10:36.545 2546 2559 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1002. Package "com.google.android.gms" does not belong to uid 1002.
10-17 15:10:36.581 2546 2559 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1002. Package "com.google.android.gms" does not belong to uid 1002.
10-17 15:10:37.393 2546 5735 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1002. Package "com.google.android.gms" does not belong to uid 1002.
10-17 15:10:37.809 22443 22443 F linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/apex/com.android.media.swcodec/bin/mediaswcodec": library "libbase.so" not found: needed by main executable
10-17 15:10:38.375 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: Going to connect.
10-17 15:10:38.376 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: failed to connect to server -1:Connection refused, retry
10-17 15:10:40.376 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: Going to connect.
10-17 15:10:40.376 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: failed to connect to server -1:Connection refused, retry
10-17 15:10:42.377 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: Going to connect.
10-17 15:10:42.377 1730 3593 E vui_dmgr_client: start: failed to connect to server -1:Connection refused, retry
10-17 15:10:42.755 2546 4467 E CameraCoveredManager: cupMuraCoveredAnimation but not support camera covered feture!
10-17 15:10:42.813 22534 22534 F linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/apex/com.android.media.swcodec/bin/mediaswcodec": library "libbase.so" not found: needed by main executable
10-17 15:11:42.600 7640 7640 E FullInputEventModel: onStartInput event aborted: ml.y: could not obtain extracted text (class ml.y)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: get screen_paper_mode_enabled fail
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: android.provider.Settings$SettingNotFoundException: screen_paper_mode_enabled
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.provider.Settings.parseIntSetting(Unknown Source:16)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.provider.Settings.-$$Nest$smparseIntSetting(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.provider.Settings$System.getIntForUser(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.provider.Settings$System.getInt(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at com.miui.apppredict.f.h.a(Unknown Source:553)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at com.miui.apppredict.c.b.c(Unknown Source:82)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at com.miui.apppredict.service.AppPredictService.b(Unknown Source:40)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at com.miui.apppredict.service.AppPredictService.e(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at com.miui.apppredict.service.AppPredictService$d.handleMessage(Unknown Source:60)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:19)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Unknown Source:182)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:82)
10-17 15:11:42.600 8210 9938 E AppPredict: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(Unknown Source:28)
10-17 15:11:42.602 8210 10219 E AppPredictBayesNew: write to file
10-17 15:11:42.606 8210 9983 E AppPredictBayes: write to file
10-17 15:11:42.617 2546 10111 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1002. Package "com.google.android.gms" does not belong to uid 1002.
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid token LIMIT
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.enforceStrictToken(Unknown Source:166)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.$r8$lambda$vWgZ-cU25kKKiVQEmRTiAYoKsCE(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.accept(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(Unknown Source:41)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.enforceStrictGrammar(Unknown Source:30)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.query(Unknown Source:55)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.query(Unknown Source:13)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider.queryInternal(Unknown Source:561)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider.query(Unknown Source:63)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:45)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(Unknown Source:102)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(Unknown Source:793)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Unknown Source:90)
10-17 15:11:42.665 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Unknown Source:16)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid token LIMIT
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(Unknown Source:57)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(Unknown Source:11)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(Unknown Source:77)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:87)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:12)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at org.kustom.unread.lib.UnreadProvider.query(UnreadProvider.java:141)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:45)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(Unknown Source:102)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(Unknown Source:793)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Unknown Source:90)
10-17 15:11:42.665 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Unknown Source:16)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid token LIMIT
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.enforceStrictToken(Unknown Source:166)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.$r8$lambda$vWgZ-cU25kKKiVQEmRTiAYoKsCE(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.accept(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteTokenizer.tokenize(Unknown Source:41)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.enforceStrictGrammar(Unknown Source:30)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.query(Unknown Source:55)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.query(Unknown Source:13)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider.queryInternal(Unknown Source:561)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider.query(Unknown Source:63)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:45)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(Unknown Source:102)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(Unknown Source:793)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Unknown Source:90)
10-17 15:11:42.668 6434 6455 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Unknown Source:16)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid token LIMIT
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(Unknown Source:57)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(Unknown Source:11)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(Unknown Source:77)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:87)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:4)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(Unknown Source:12)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at org.kustom.unread.lib.UnreadProvider.query(UnreadProvider.java:141)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:0)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.query(Unknown Source:45)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(Unknown Source:102)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(Unknown Source:793)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Unknown Source:90)
10-17 15:11:42.668 23232 23246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Unknown Source:16)
10-17 15:11:42.799 1668 1688 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found
10-17 15:11:42.799 1668 1688 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found
10-17 15:11:42.799 1668 1688 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
10-17 15:11:42.799 1668 1688 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
10-17 15:11:42.807 2546 2546 E Fingerprint21: onAcquired for non-acquisition client: null
10-17 15:11:42.928 23444 23444 F linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/apex/com.android.media.swcodec/bin/mediaswcodec": library "libbase.so" not found: needed by main executable
10-17 15:11:43.466 1858 6431 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data
10-17 15:11:43.466 1858 6432 E ANDR-PERF-LM: VmRssMeter:: start() 359: Could not find pid, can not collect vmrss data
10-17 15:11:43.466 1858 6432 E ANDR-PERF-LM: AdaptiveLaunch: writeToDataBase() 64: Meter aborted or could not get meter data for this run
10-17 15:11:44.039 3005 3519 E [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_FOD_BOOST]: set_process_priority:setscheduler prio to SCHED_OTHER
I already have done a factory reset (yesterday), restored my apps from (Neo)Backup and after this all was working fine again. Today the same wierd behaviour came up again.
Does anybody know the cause or even this behaviour at all?
Thanks in advance!