New Issues with telegram Livestream sound after update to miui 14.0.5 - Xiaomi 13 Pro


17 Oct 2023
Hi folks
Im new here. I registered because I experience massive sound issues after yesterday the miui 14.0.5 update was installed on my Xiaomi 13 Pro.

When I enter a telegram Livestream the sound does stutter and lag terrebly. I never had any issues with the livestreams but now its such a bad experience I hardly can listen to that.

The Problem does only appear with telegram Livestream. Watching any other Videos Like YouTube does work correctly.

I already tried to deinstall Telegram several times, also tried other clients like Nekogram but the issue still remains.

Does anyone have a hint what to do?
Your Help is appreciated!

Kind regards
Have you installed Xiaomi EU Rom?
If not you are in the wrong forum because here we discuss ONLY about Xiaom Eu CUSTOM Rom.
Many thanks.
Have you installed Xiaomi EU Rom?
If not you are in the wrong forum because here we discuss ONLY about Xiaom Eu CUSTOM Rom.
Many thanks.
Sorry im not sure what you mean. I live in the EU but I havnt changed anything regarding my OS