Kernals and SetCPU

The Batman

3 Mar 2011
Hey fellow MIUI, enthusiasts,

My question is regarding what kernal is optimal for the HTC Evo? Also, if I have SetCPU installed, is there a certain Max and Min I should be operating in that will work best for me?

Right now I am using the Tiamat kernal and to be completely honest even if I wanted to change kernals I'm not sure how to do it. I'll be looking into that as well, but if anyone has any tips I'd be appreciative for the insight.

I've heard that we are to flash new kernals, but is it the same as flashing ROMs?

Thanks again in advance everyone.

The Batman
MiUI v1.3.5

Sent from my PC36100 using the Forums App
Yes, you flash a kernel just as you would flash a ROM. As far as what's best, it's kinda trial and error. What works for you may not be the best for me. Any AOSP kernel should work with MIUI. I've been using the stock kernel that came with MIUI 1.1.28 which is savage zen 1.6 and it is working great for me. Everything works, great speed, outstanding battery life, etc...

My advice would be read the kernel sticky in the evo section and if you find some you want to try out, nand (just in case) and start flashing away. Do check out that thread though as I've seen quite a few people get flamed when asking questions like "which kernel should I use" with that sticky being the very first post in the forum. Go get some knowledge from that thread and then if you have some SPECIFIC questions, I'm sure you will find a lot of people willing to help you. Simply asking WHICH kernel you should use will get you plowed over by those people that get their jollies off by "flaming". (Who the hell came up with that term anyway? Flaming...???)

Good luck!
@VegasEvo4G, thanks a lot for the info.

The Batman
MIUI v1.3.5

Sent from my PC36100 using the Forums App
No prob. If you need anything else, let me know.

Sent from my PC36100 using the Forums App