[lockscreen] Lost Boys


7 Nov 2010
Place this file on your sd card in /MIUI/theme/

If you want to apply it to another theme, extract the "framework" folder from this and simply put it into your favorite theme of choice. It's as easy as that. If you have any issues, PM me.


Yeah I mean you even have your Illumine inspired theme :)

Props to newone for inspiring this lockscreen! haha
Yeah then you died so I made my own :p

Newone where have you been we thought you died ... its about 20 of us anticipating the release of the theme with the kanye icon for the music app

Sent from my SexyNexy using the miui-dev.com Forums App
Work and family man.y brother came into town for training so we've been out the house a lot. Will be like that for another week. I imagine over the holidays I will have more time

from the Evo
Would someone mind posting the other wallpaper - the one with the waves and the beach at the bottom. Thanks in advance.
hey evooo when applying this lockscreen to an exsisting theme should i swap the framework folders or just apply yours to the theme?
I don't understand this section, or why my lockscreen theme is in it.

It is not a "mod".

It does not "replace system files that could "damage your phone" any more than the .zips in the "theme" section do.

This section should be for things that go beyond the use of MIUI's built in theming.

The warning "Mods are not themes" under this subforum is totally misleading. All these lockscreen THEMES in here, are THEMES, nothing more. They don't "replace system files".

Am I wrong for thinking this?!

I'm gonna get yelled at for posting this, I know it, lol.