Locksreen "lag"


5 Jan 2011

i am facing "lags" (don't know how to call it) on the lockscreen when i unlock my phone...sometimes it is not responsive for few seconds after phone is out of sleep and than works just fine, and sometimes even when it does respond, it takes few moments to actually go up or down - depends on where i slide it.

Is there any way to improve this?
Does anyone know why this could be happening, etc?

It is not a major issue, but it gets annoying after a while.

Thanks for any info or direction on this matter.

I think this is due to SetCPU settings....
I have a profile of powersaving when in sleep, and ondemand when not in sleep and i guess it takes a while to switch profiles, because if i don't immediately slide it to unlock (lets say 3 or 4 seconds) i think it works quite OK.

Just an observation....i will try to disable powersaving in sleep and see how it goes
Yup, i think this is a case....so it seems this is a side effect of underclocking. Maybe someone else can try it and post observations...
Ondemand governor seems to be quite slow in general.
Yup, i think this is a case....so it seems this is a side effect of underclocking. Maybe someone else can try it and post observations...
Ondemand governor seems to be quite slow in general.

I have the same issue and without SetCPU. It isn't too annoying for me, but it's there.
I get this even when pushing my CPU at 1152 mHz. I've heard that in 1.14, the MIUI team has improved the code to make it more efficient.