Magisk drains battery

CB Dynamics

2 Feb 2020
Hi guys,
I have a strange issue with my Mi 9. After flashing a ROM, I install Magisk. From that moment my phone starts heating up every couple of minutes. This drains the battery massively. There are no modules installed, only Magisk hide for banking Apps. If I dirty flash the same ROM again, Magisk isn't I stalled anymore, problem is gone till I install it again. I have had this on Miui 11 global, Miui 11 and 12 from here.
My Note 7 for example never had this issue, even with 10 installed modules on it.
I know at least two other person with this problem on the Mi 9. Somebody here has a hint for me?

Regards Chris
I currently have Magisk installed, rooted, Magisk Hide for banking apps and have no modules. The reason I installed Magisk in the first place was because of the no-deep-sleep issue after dirty flashed 20.7.9. My device did not heat up but the no-deep-sleep issue was still there.

Searched the net and tried a combination of methods, and it seems my device starts to deep sleep again.

What I did :
1. Settings - Connection & sharing - Reset WLAN, mobile... - Reset settings
2. Settings - Apps - Manage apps - Google Play services - Uninstall updates & Clear data
3. Reboot

From the attached image, you will notice the long awake during screen off. That was caused by Whatsapp, and I set the Battery saver for Whatsapp to "Restrict background apps" after that.

I don't know if it works for you as no 2 devices are alike. Just sharing.
