Invalid Mi 9 - Widevine is L3, even when returning to Stock ROM


4 Feb 2020
Hello, everyone!

This has been plaguing me for months, though only now I decided to ask for help.
I really don't remember flashing the persist from someone else, so I guess it's from my own device. I know for sure that the IMEIs are the same. Does this prove my persist validity?
Even if I flash the stock ROM (Global EEA) and lock the bootloader, it still shows Widevine L3 :(
Is this normal for the Mi 9? Other people have the same issue on this same device.

EDIT: typo
EDIT2: Changed my post to "Invalid". It seems you lose even after flashing your own persist, so there's nothing that can be made about this :/
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Writing/flashing "persist" partition (only once) on Xiaomi devices = losing Widevine L1 certification for ever (even if you flash from a backup)
Oh, I see. That's too bad. But now I can stop my obsession with trying to solve this, haha.
Thank you ^^
What if you flash fastboot rom,could that not restore

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