Mi Max 3 - MIUI 11 to Pixel Experience and back - How?


11 Jan 2018
Hi there,

i would like to flash the Pixel Experience ROM because i would like to test if Android Auto Wireless would work.
Currently i am on MIUI 11 (xiaomi.eu 9.9.27) and i really don't know on which firmware i am / if antirollback is activated.

Pixel Experience needs a 9.6.27 (from which I don't know if global, China, developer or what exactly is needed).

If i flash firmware 9.6.27 - is the phone bricked?
How can I know which firmware (not ROM) is installed right now?

I'll suggest you ask this question on the Pixel Experience XDA not here.

Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk