Miui 8 : How To?


6 Oct 2014

On the recent post, miui 8 is available for the mipad. But before update we need to merge the both partitions.

"For Xiaomi MiPAD 1 is required to merge both system partitions"

We are invite to follow à link : http://en.miui.com/thread-118294-1-1.html

Ok.....but I just understand NOTHING.

Is every one that can help me?
There is no "merge" step on the tuto...
Of course there is:
Here in simple steps that what you need to do:
1. install TWRP (best methode is via fastboot) and boot into TWRP
2. make a backup of your running system with TWRP
3. Wipe Cache, Data, System and Dalvik Cache in TWRP
4. run Repartition_MI_Pad_1_2GB_zardMi3.zip
5. wipe Cache and Davlik in TWRP
6. restore backup you made in step 2 with TWRP
7. boot system (everything shoul work as before you started)
8. download diskinfo APk from Playstore to confirm extended partition size
if everything is ok you can flash MIUI 8

I did this with 3 miPad's and hade no problems.
It is very stable, my wife and grand kids did not manage to crash it. Latest android security pachtes, and i like to be on latest ROM release plus MIUI8 features.
I tried this exactly as you said and I am stuck at the opening MI screen, have tried everything, nothing works. I wish I had not started on this minor upgrade, now all I have is a bricked device. I would never attempt this again for such small gains.
I tried this exactly as you said and I am stuck at the opening MI screen, have tried everything, nothing works. I wish I had not started on this minor upgrade, now all I have is a bricked device. I would never attempt this again for such small gains.
What exactly have you done?
You can also use Miflash and Flash latest Miui7 fastboot Rom and Tab will work.
Of course there is:
Here in simple steps that what you need to do:
1. install TWRP (best methode is via fastboot) and boot into TWRP
2. make a backup of your running system with TWRP
3. Wipe Cache, Data, System and Dalvik Cache in TWRP
4. run Repartition_MI_Pad_1_2GB_zardMi3.zip
5. wipe Cache and Davlik in TWRP
6. restore backup you made in step 2 with TWRP
7. boot system (everything shoul work as before you started)
8. download diskinfo APk from Playstore to confirm extended partition size
if everything is ok you can flash MIUI 8

I did this with 3 miPad's and hade no problems.

i tryed but the ssystem partitions is 640 mb like before
The only way out of this was very difficult, I had to install adb program onto my mac, hook up the Mipad to the computer, figure out how to get the stock version 7 MIUI rom onto it. I am skipping the usual hair pulling details like making sure the rom is in the right directory and all... To transfer the files, I used TWRP ADB sideload to open up the mipad so that it would accept a file when I ran adb on the computer to send it.

Since MIUI 8 had TWRP which was installed over CWM, I had to flash it back to CWM AFTER I moved the stock ROM and CWM update file to the Mipad and do the following steps below which thank goodness someone had posted, the key being step two. Thank goodness I had done a backup in CWM before I started this and was able to recover everything in CWM. I am not brave enough to try this again-I wasted a whole Sunday on this and got into major trouble with my wife for ignoring the family all day to work on this. You married guys with kids, set your priorities, not worth the trouble IMHO.... Nothing like having a bricked device and having to bring it back from the dead.

Source for the following - http://en.miui.com/thread-118294-10-1.html
Just two thoughts regarding CWM that I've learnt by doing:
1.- If you do a backup to the sdcard, you don't have to copy it to a computer/usb because the "wipe data" option doesn't delete the backups (great!)
2.- When you restore this backup from the sdcard, you must change the target of the active partition to 1 (by default is 2) because if you don't do this, CMW finish the restore but when you reboot you get stuck into the screen with MI logo. To correct this, power off and then power on into the recovery, change the restore partition, do the restore and it works!

After the resize partition I've been able to install miui 8 without problem or lose of data :)
So once I have resized partition 1 where can I download miui 8 from? Is it from xiaomi.eu under downloads version 6.10.13? And is this the global rom and does the dev root come with root enabled out of the gate.
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Yes you can download the miui 8 rom from Xiaomi.eu. I merged partitions last week and updated to most recent xiaomi.eu rom and everything works great. Stable AF.
after merged the partition, i try to flash with Miui 8 weekly rom but end up with error "Updater process ended with signal: 11:
Anybody know how to fix this? i am using twrp
Same here, partitions are merged and the flash of miui8 - 6.10.20 failed in twrp.
I flashed twrp 2.8.4 mocha to merge successfully but after that it updated automatically to
so I restored stable 7.3.1
What can I do please?
The problem is always the same, you must activate and backup from partition1, best to do this is with CWM because it allows you to switch partitions. Search for latest CWM_Mocha.zip ans install via updater APP.
After that you can merge partitions and you still have to activate partition1, then restore your backup to Partition 1.
Boot the Pad and see if everything is working and check Partition size.
If everything is in order flash MIUIV8.zip with CWM and you will have a running system with MIUI 8 and TWRP installed!
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Thanks for your help, but I finally could merge with twrp. I restored my backup and tried again and it worked, weird but it was working...
Do you have adaway installed ?? because I cannot run it, I have just a black screen and nothing else. Titanium backup is working and tells pad is rooted...but root checker says NO root...
One more question, comparing to mi phones there is no "green icon" security app (with antivirus, etc) on mipad??
Thanks again for your help :)
Security App is not part of MIUI for Mipad, it was removed long ago, it could be that it was never part of the ROM.
I cannot remember,sorry.
I have no adaware installed, but can try it and will give you feedback.
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Well, I had root for Titanium Backup and ES explorer but No root for adaway and the SU icon didn't show so I installed SU again with TWRP but no icon again, then I tried SU from playstore and then it worked...now I have entire root with root checker !
Until yet, everything works...
I created a 3 gb swap file for having more ram with "Ram Expander" (playstore app) and it works too :) MiPad is great, I hope we will get Nougat soon lol
And thanks again fmcheetah for your patience and help :)

Here's a screen from "buzz launcher", my prefered ultra configurable launcher...actually on my pad :)

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It is very stable, my wife and grand kids did not manage to crash it. Latest android security pachtes, and i like to be on latest ROM release plus MIUI8 features.

Does nobody get real problems with Documents App being crippled in Miui - particularly badly on Mipad? It has been reported on Xiaomu user site.

On other devices there is a workaround involving unfreezing the App in TB or RTBPro after each reboot but on Mipad1 this doesn't work for me and as a consequence there is no printing from browsers and no attaching files to emails on Mipad1.
I am using WPS Office and have no problems with it.

I also use WPS Office on my MiPad (very occasionally) and also have no problems printing from it also. I can also do a lot of other things no doubt.

However that is not the same as trying to attach files to emails or print browser web pages (to pdf or cloud or wherever) which was what I specifically reported. So how is WPS relevant to that?

Most people use their MiPads 90% of the time for browsing web and email I would guess and WPS which does not use system Documents app for printing can do neither.

If you can attach files to emails and print from browsers like Chrome etc then that would be good to know. But I am not sure if it is helpful to encourage people prematurely to adopt the first ever beta release of Miui 8 on the MiPad 1. They may not end up thanking you for it if there are actually some serious bugs that they could have known about so they could make the decision to update knowledgeably. You surely wouldn't want some exasperated voodoo user sticking pins in your effigy :=)

On the other hand if you can attach files to emails and also print from browser it would be useful to know as then the causes of the problem might not be just to do with the update alone. (But WPS is not relevant as it has its own file handling anyway unlike browsers and email apps which rely on the Documents system app which, unless you have other evidence to the contrary, seems to be crippled in these early releases of Miui 8....

You can easily see that WPS does not use the Documents system app for file handling.

I will be backing up with TB and downgrading to the latest stable version of Miui 7 on the MiPad 1 until a stable version arrives. On my RN2 phone which uses Android 5 and not 4.4 the problem is not so bad and there is a workaround which doesn't work for the Mipad 1 release.
I also use WPS Office on my MiPad (very occasionally) and also have no problems printing from it also. I can also do a lot of other things no doubt.

However that is not the same as trying to attach files to emails or print browser web pages (to pdf or cloud or wherever) which was what I specifically reported. So how is WPS relevant to that?

Most people use their MiPads 90% of the time for browsing web and email I would guess and WPS which does not use system Documents app for printing can do neither.

If you can attach files to emails and print from browsers like Chrome etc then that would be good to know. But I am not sure if it is helpful to encourage people prematurely to adopt the first ever beta release of Miui 8 on the MiPad 1. They may not end up thanking you for it if there are actually some serious bugs that they could have known about so they could make the decision to update knowledgeably. You surely wouldn't want some exasperated voodoo user sticking pins in your effigy :=)

On the other hand if you can attach files to emails and also print from browser it would be useful to know as then the causes of the problem might not be just to do with the update alone. (But WPS is not relevant as it has its own file handling anyway unlike browsers and email apps which rely on the Documents system app which, unless you have other evidence to the contrary, seems to be crippled in these early releases of Miui 8....

You can easily see that WPS does not use the Documents system app for file handling.

I will be backing up with TB and downgrading to the latest stable version of Miui 7 on the MiPad 1 until a stable version arrives. On my RN2 phone which uses Android 5 and not 4.4 the problem is not so bad and there is a workaround which doesn't work for the Mipad 1 release.

A long story and nice that you mentioned here what problems you have.
I only refered to your post "crippled in MIUI " that i use and prefer WPS.
I can attach files to mails and i can print out of it, thats all i need. I am maybe still old fashioned, i use a proper PC for my Office Work ,browsing the web and Email correspondence.
My main target in this post was to help user Tdkey with his MIUI 8 upgrade, and i have not encouraged any user to change to MIUI 8.
Wish you good luck with your downgrade to MIUI 7!
A long story and nice that you mentioned here what problems you have.
I only refered to your post "crippled in MIUI " that i use and prefer WPS.
I can attach files to mails and i can print out of it, thats all i need. I am maybe still old fashioned, i use a proper PC for my Office Work ,browsing the web and Email correspondence.
My main target in this post was to help user Tdkey with his MIUI 8 upgrade, and i have not encouraged any user to change to MIUI 8.
Wish you good luck with your downgrade to MIUI 7!

Yes it was very long!

You can attach files to emails you want to send using WPS Office app??!

The Documents system app is key to a lot of app functionality in Miui/Android more than I ever knew. Unfortunately this app is crippled in these very early Miui 8 beta releases.This meams these early releases are seriously compromised. But not in WPS Office which doesn't use this key part of the system which is for some reason 'frozen' in these releases.

I would strongly advise any ordinary user to wait until this is fixed before adopting MiUi 8 on the Mipad 1. Its not just attaching files to emails to send or printing from browser that is affected, by the way.

WPS Office is not really affected so if people are happy with that good luck to them!
Yes it was very long!

You can attach files to emails you want to send using WPS Office app??!

The Documents system app is key to a lot of app functionality in Miui/Android more than I ever knew. Unfortunately this app is crippled in these very early Miui 8 beta releases.This meams these early releases are seriously compromised. But not in WPS Office which doesn't use this key part of the system which is for some reason 'frozen' in these releases.

I would strongly advise any ordinary user to wait until this is fixed before adopting MiUi 8 on the Mipad 1. Its not just attaching files to emails to send or printing from browser that is affected, by the way.

WPS Office is not really affected so if people are happy with that good luck to them!
Honestly, i can attach files to Gmail (only one tested) and send them.
MIUI 8.1 by Xiaomi eu 6.10.13 beta !!

By the way, if it bothers you so much please send a proper Bug report to Xiaomi.
Honestly, i can attach files to Gmail (only one tested) and send them.
MIUI 8.1 by Xiaomi eu 6.10.13 beta !!

By the way, if it bothers you so much please send a proper Bug report to Xiaomi.

Aha! You can do it in GMail. I hadn't tried that. That is helpful to know. Thank you.

Yes I suppose you are right I should file a bug report once I figure out how to do it. Its just that it is such an obvious problem that it would affect anyone who actually uses their Mipad 1 so I was shocked at how on these forums there has been no mention of it apart from me.

I have 2 Xiaomi mobile devices and they are excellent, best so far, but in future I will probably go with a manufacturer that upgrades the Android versions for a while anyway, and which also has CM alternatives for updating them for a little while longer after that.