Hi I want to install MIUI os in Samsung Monte, can you help me for same Thanks
H hemant_v2 Members 26 Jul 2011 4 11 26 Jul 2011 #1 Hi I want to install MIUI os in Samsung Monte, can you help me for same Thanks
thebignoob MIUI Android Staff 24 Nov 2010 114 28 27 Jul 2011 #2 Wish I could help, but unfortunately the Monte has to low of a resolution to run MIUI. I hope this helps. Best, TBN
Wish I could help, but unfortunately the Monte has to low of a resolution to run MIUI. I hope this helps. Best, TBN
Lens_flare Staff Developer 14 Jun 2011 537 65 27 Jul 2011 #3 And Monte have a bada OS.. MIUI is android rom
gmfeny Members 28 Dec 2010 135 26 30 Jul 2011 #5 forget that EVO 3D just got rooted and now they're working on a cyanogen port so the big question is..... Whos going to port the EVO 3D?
forget that EVO 3D just got rooted and now they're working on a cyanogen port so the big question is..... Whos going to port the EVO 3D?