[MOD] AOSP Themed MIUI Keyboard - Based upon MIUI Sogou Millet Keyboard [HDPI Devices][s89;]

Thanks for this keyboard it's realy awesome but since I'm now using a MI2S I can't use it because you have to get the stock android 4.1 keyboard working before flashing the mod and there's no android keyoard on l MI2. I try to install with android 4.1 keyboard apk then flash the mod with CWM but it doesn't replace the android keyboard, it install a new one wich is not working.

Is there any solution ? Because I really love that keyboard, now I'm with AOSP keyboard but it's not as smart as this one.
Maybe it's possible to make an apk or a flashable zip wich don't need stock AOSP keyboard to be install before.

Thank you for this piece of art !
I use this mod of Xperia S keyboard actually and I must say it is very great looking but the keyboard itself is (imho) less convenient than the one of Android Jelly Bean. Thank you for the link it's a goob alternative, the one I'm actually using :).
In saying this is for hdpi devices, will it look out of detail on an xdpi device (e.g. Mi2, or any other device above 320ppi)?

Just curious. :)
After successfully translating 1151 lines of string on the Latest and Official MIUI Sogou Millet Edition Keyboard straight from Xiaomi's Market, it was frustrating to see that although they support the English language they hadn't provided any English dictionaries, nor was it easy to implement via SMALI as their whole keyboard was orientated for Chinese Users...​
So instead I took the time to bring to the users of my ROM a MIUI Themed AOSP Keyboard that I have been working hard on. I'd also like to offer this to the community (Compatible with HDPI Devices Only) providing that developers intending on using it in any ROM made available to the public ask permissions for it's use and give credits where due beforehand.​
Here are some screenshots at hand:
I spent a lot of time getting this just right whilst remaining visually pleasing to the user and still retaining the Sogou MIUI keyboard looks.​
Download Link:
MIUI Themed AOSP Keyboard [s89 mod;]
MD5: B676749E84EF138CF41CF710500CF654
Also this theme was designed and intended for HDPI resolutions only...
[MENU] > Settings > Full Settings > Apps > Locate 'Android keyboard (AOSP)' > Clear data
Once the above has been performed you can then proceed to flashing in recovery straight afterwards​
I hope you enjoy my work, and it's finally nice to be using a keyboard which fits in with the MIUI theme.​
Best Regards,

i did as you sayed above and on the latest 3.7.26 miui v5 for nexus 4 not working always fc... by the way nice work
can you make it please for
  • 4.7" diagonal
  • 1280 x 768 pixel resolution (320 ppi)
nexus 4