[Mod] [Aroma Installer] ATLANTIS CONCEPT [Aosp and MIU]


12 Aug 2019

New mod that flashes from recovery to rom miui. Use as base the aroma installer that allows the user to choose what it is to install.

The mod allows:

  • Delete more than 42 apps (Lite your rom)
  • Add some apps
  • Add some mods from miui
  • Change bootanimation
  • Use your favourite kernel (all miui kernel added)
  • Add root


- English
- Spanish
- Polish
- Italian
- Portuguese

If you want to help me with the translation in some language, you can contact me here by private message. You can also write to my telegram: @jimgsey

Compatibility with miui 10 and 11

Installation guide

1. Flash Atlantis Concept zip

2. Reboot and enjoy.


* When applications are updated, they change the route where they are installed. Therefore it is recommended to use the mod just when installing the rom. However, it can be flashed in dirty, only if an app has been updated it cannot be deleted. The rest of the installer can be used when you want it dirty.

(*) ROMs certified by the Atlantis-Concept team for the correct functioning of the mod:

- MIUI Hellas

- Stock & Global

- Xiaomi .EU

- Minh

- MiuiPro

- MiRoom

- MiuiMix

- Revolution OS

- Kosmos OS

- Phenom OS

Atlantis Concept 5


- New menu structure. Now you don't have to go through all of them, only those that you want to install or change.
- Italian language. Thanks to @nxvdd
- Polish language. Thanks to @piooteek
- Portuguese language. Thanks to @Shemuel_P
- Spanish language
- New Icons
- The code has been simplified
- Tree Breaker V3.3

- By Kernel 4.4.201
- Not Kernel 4.4.200
- Ancient Kernel 4.4.202
- EdXposedManager v4.5.2-452
- aLn Kernel 4.4.201
- Magical v20.1 Stable
- Host 21-11-2019
- Wifi Bonding 1.12 (13)

- Wrong debloat routes in Global and Stock rom.

v 4.2

- Date: 1/11/2019

- Universal GMS Doze v1.7.5
- By Kernel 4.4.198
- Yuki Kernel 4.4.198
- Ancient kernel 2.2
- aLn Kernel 4.4.198
- Morfuz Kernel 3.1

- Foxy Kernel 27/10/2019
- Not Kernel 4.4.198

- Wifi Bonding Module Magisk


- Date:: 17/10/2019

- Stable Magic Version v20.0
- Magical Manager Version: v7.3.5
- Ancient 2.0 Q and Pie (17/10/19)
- By 4.4.196 (10.10.2019)
- aLn Kernel 4.4.196 (12/10/2019)

- Add more regions (EU Stable miui 11)
- New visual Bootanimation menu
- New visual Splash menu
- Splash: Redmi
- Splash: MIUI 11

- Time to splash
- Morfuz Q Kernel (place)

v 4.0

- Date:: 09/10/2019

** Support Miui and AOSP

- Yuki 4.4.194
- All menus reorganized
- By 4.4.196
- Adapted the structure for AOSP and MIUI

- New formatting menu
- New AOSP menu (Android Pie and Q)
- Ancient And Q Kernel
- The Q Kernel
- Morfuz Q Kernel
- aLn Kernel 4.4.196
- PowerMenu: Color Full
- PowerMenu: Two menus
- Bootanimation: Multiple
- Splash: Pixel
- Splash: How many
- Splash: Miui 11 and Mitu

- Splash: Google Dark

- Evira/Pure Kernel


- By v4.4.194 Kernel
- Root Explorer 4.6
- Morfuz 3.0 Kernel
- Code Optimization
- Full compatibility with the new miui 11 and 10
- Host 02-10-2019
- Manager EdXposed 90.0-v0.4.5.1


- New theme with rounded corners


- The new miui 11 contains many of the features that were included in the modules section. For that reason, some modules have been deleted.


- Pushbullet
- App avanced Mod
- L Speed
- 3C Toolbox
- Remote
- Morelocale 2
- Viper4android
- Q Gallery
- Netflix Patch
- NFS Injector
- Wifi hotspot


- Update
- YouTube Vanced 14.21.54
- Magisk modules installed appear
- QuickPic Mod v7.6.2

- Add
- Magisk Module Menu
- EdXposed v0.4.5.1_beta.4463
- Busybox NDK-1.30.1
- Microg YouTube Vanced_0.2.6.17455
- Thememanager_1.6.2.0-620
- Viper4Android
- Dolby Sound
- Wifi Boading 1.11
- Universal GMS Doze 1.7.2
- New color Yellow
- Used percentage of partitions
- Bootanimation Pixel (Dark and light)

- Fix
- MiNovo Menu

- Delete
- Icons Globa



- Magical manager (Magical stable) 7.3.2

- Youtube Vanced v14.21.54

- Gnom v4.4.189 Kernel

- Evira Kernel v4.5

- Evira Pure v1.7 Kernel

- Morfuz v2.5 Kernel


- New menu with Certified roms

- Netflix patch L1 (HD in custom rom)

- Root Explorer

- QuickPic

- 3C Toolbox

- MoreLocale2

- New color range in the changelog


- Magical Stable

- DNS problem

- Sound Menu


- Clarity Kernel

- Kernel Auditor

- Ancient Kernel



- Gnom v4.4.188 (20,190,806) Kernel

- Evira Kernel v4.4

- Evira Pure v1.6 Kernel

- Morfuz v2.4.1 Kernel

- Yuki (20190808) Kernel

- Magic 7.3.3 2cb03e76 (APK)

- Sound (20190809)-


- Clarity EAS v3 Kernel

- My App Mod

- JThermal

- Magic 19.3 Stable


- Hots problem

- Some wrong routes in the delete menu


Download Server:



For more information visit the official website.​


For better support do not forget to save the log in the aroma itself and share in case of error.

All credits to Team Phenom

Special thanks tucno21 PriQue_77 and Jero_Blue

11 Reboot to system and enjoy

Last edited:
New update v5: New menu structure. Now you don't have to go through all of them, only those that you want to install or change. and more language