
17 Jun 2024
Hi there, so today, I payed NCUNLOCK to unlock my bootloader on my Xiaomi 14 Ultra (chinese mainland).
Unfortunately after trying, he told me he couldn't unlock bootloader on chinese xiaomi phone.
So I asked him to at least convert to global (Now on
Is there something I can do to unlock it or get the rom on this phone ?
What are my option now ?
(Sry kinda newbie with all xiaomi roms and all)
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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You paid for nothing, now you have to pay to flash a Cn rom and then again to unlock the bootloader to install a Xiaomi Eu rom.
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Oki, then what can I say to the ncunlock guy to make him understand that it should be possible ?
He knows very well that this is possible and some have had the same problem and others not over the same period with the same device, surely a problem with an overloaded server.
Thank you very much for the confirmation.
I'll try to get some explication from him.
This is not new, maybe its access has been removed by Xiaomi.
As a reminder, this is a government decision and it's no laughing matter in China.;)