Notification led - only white?


Sep 13, 2018

I have just moved from MiMax to MiMax3.
Personally, I am completely pleased with MiMax, it has everything I need in a phone.
The MiMax3 is also a great phone, really like it, it has a better screen, better overall performance. I was convinced it is the new perfect phone, until I was shocked to see the led is only white...
This is a major negative surprise for me, for others it may seem trivial.
I have 2 little kids, the phone must be on silent much of the time, and I was relying on the led colour for different apps notifications. This is not possible now...

does anyone know if it is just a software limitation or hardware?

Xiaomi, if you can see this, maybe you can take it into account. The MiMax was perfect, please reiterate on that, do not remove features.
Maybe on MiMax4 they will put it back.
Is there a list for Features Request? to vote? maybe we can influnece Xiaomi this way