- 6 Jul 2013
- 1,436
- 222

CyanogenMod is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 5.1.x (Lollipop), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
CyanogenMod is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. All the source code for CyanogenMod is available in the CyanogenMod Github repo. And if you would like to contribute to CyanogenMod, please visit Gerrit Code Review.
We will not support users and answer questions from users which:
- are running a custom kernel
- have flashed mods
- modified system files
- didn't follow our instructions word by word
- are unfriendly
Official CyanogenMod Wiki: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/cancro_Info
First time installing CyanogenMod 12.1 to your Xiaomi Mi4 or coming from another ROM:
- Read the official Wiki page
- Unlock your bootloader if you haven't done so already
- Flash a custom recovery via Fastboot
- Push GApps (arm) and the CM 12.1 zip to your device
- Boot into Recovery
- Perform factory reset
- Flash the CM 12.1 zip from SD card
- Flash GApps for Lollipop from SD card
- Reboot (be patient, "optimizing apps" takes a while)
- Don't restore system data using Titanium Backup!
- Restoring Apps + Data might cause problems and is not recommended, avoid it if possible!
- Push the new CM 12.1 zip to your SD card
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash the CM 12.1 zip from SD card
- Optionally flash the most recent GApps for Lollipop if you encounter problems
- Reboot (be patient, "optimizing apps" takes a while)
Official CM 12.1 builds: http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=cancro
Google Apps (arm): wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/gapps
Report bugs for nightly builds at https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/NIGHTLIES. Please keep in mind that bugs are expected on these builds. If you want something stable, choose the Snapshot branch.
- ROOT! ROOT! Give me root or i'll die!!! Where root is???
- First of all do not flash any supersu/superuser/superman zip package to get root. Go to Settings>Developement Settings>Root acces > Apps Only
- Are these gapps <insert random gapps package here> working with cm12.1?
- Use the suggested package
- Why today I got no nightly?
- There were a build error or it means there's something wrong with the rom and I've choosen to stop nightlies until the problem gets fixed
- Why is TDB not working / supported?
- Official CyanogenMod support requies Encryption support. With TDB we can't have an encrypted userdata partition, otherwhise one system will be able to use it and the other won't
- Why no <insert miui feature here>?
- Because this is CyanogenMod
- Will you add <insert awesome feature here>?
- I won't. If you want submit a commit to gerrit, where it will be reviewed.
The CyanogenMod team would like to thank everyone involved in helping with testing, coding, debugging & documenting! Enjoy!