New Phone turning off constantly

24 Aug 2021
I am running the latest stable version of the eu rom on my xiaomi mi 11 ultra.
It was running fine with no issue whatsoever for 1-2 months.
Yesterday a problem started where it just turns itself off and reboots into a recovery screen with options such as reboot to safe mode, miui assistant, repair etc etc.
Before turning off a little spinning circle shows up so it is not just a sudden loss of power. It seems to do some kind of proper shutdown.
The only significant change that may have caused to issue is I downloaded about 4 games yesterday morning. These were civilization vi, the room, house of da vinci, backgammon and a zombie game called walking dead or something.
These were downloaded in the morning and played 2 of them awhile with no issues. When it happened I immedietely uninstalled them and ran a virus scan. Still happening.
The only other thing I can think is going through a few xray scanners at airport security but I don't think that would be it.
The phone is still just about 5 months old and had no serious bumps or anything to damage the hardware so I doubt it is the battery.

So I will try to wipe the phone and start with a fresh rom. I am not really able to download the latest one easily but I have a copy of an older one (MI11Ultra_V12.5.12.0.RKACNXM_v12-11) which I will try to flash.

My only concerns is the downgrading causing an issue?
My phone turning off during the flashing and bricking the phone?

If anyone has any ideas what I should do or could do to diagnose the issue beforehand please let me know.
There seems to be some diagnosis/debugging options in the developer menu but I have no idea how to use them. Flashing roms is challenging enough for me as it is.
is there supposed to be batch files in the extracted rom zip? This worked fine when I did it with miui 13. Perhaps there are some files missing from the zip file i am using (mentioned in the first post).


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