Pocofone F1 Adaway not working.


15 Jan 2019
I tried in every way to make it work but I could not. I have 2 terminals and one redmi 5 plus and here works well but on Pocofone just do not go. The error message says "there is not enough space in the partition" and it suggests that I change the path but when I try to do it, it asks me if I'm S-off specific feature of HTC terminals. By setting in the settings I can activate the systemless function but at each reboot you delete and go back to point and to head. I tried other constructions like MIUI.it, Mi Globe and Adaway works well. I would like to use it here on Pocofone Xiaomi and u can solve this problem thanks.

Inviato dal mio POCOPHONE F1 utilizzando Tapatalk
I had the same problem.
I found some suggestions to enable systemless hosts on magisks, which makes the error desappear. Everything looks good, adaway updates fine, but after reboot Android seems to ignore hosts file completely.
I still can see adds, even ping on terminal goes to dns instead of resolving with hosts file.
Using normal miui global adaway works, even without systemless hosts.
I'm using blokada now in my pocophone, works great.

I had the same problem.
I found some suggestions to enable systemless hosts on magisks, which makes the error desappear. Everything looks good, adaway updates fine, but after reboot Android seems to ignore hosts file completely.
I still can see adds, even ping on terminal goes to dns instead of resolving with hosts file.
Using normal miui global adaway works, even without systemless hosts.
I'm using blokada now in my pocophone, works great.

Hi i already do it Like you only differences is I just install busybox inside magisk and after that host file is working well. İt's working after restart aswell.. let's try :)
Actually, I tried again after installing new beta 9.4.25, and it worked perfectly fine.
Thanks anyway.
Hi, this method worked for me>

Make sure magisk and magisk manager are updated, then open magisk manager in settings enable systemless hosts then go to modules make sure the checkbox is ticked. Install latest adaway apk, if you have already installed clear all data(important part) then reboot, done.