Possible to port MIUI to LDPI screens? Vodafone 845 / Huawei u8120


MIUI Android Staff
15 Dec 2010
I've had a bit of a read through here:

It looks semi-straight forward to do a port to a device (At least to get the basics going), but so far from what I can tell everything has been a HDPI device. In my country we have the "Vodafone 845" (A rebranded Huawei u8120), they're selling like hot-cakes and I know a couple of dozen close family / friends who've got these devices in the last couple of months. The default interface is rather clunky and slow, and I'm wondering how possible it would be to port something such as MIUI to it. Only thing is, the Vodafone 845 is a LDPI screen :(

Keen for any constructive thoughts / input / suggestions

