>Download some crappy ad-infested app and trust the displayed results
ah yes, phone literally DISchariging when it's plugged into the "charge your phone in 10 minutes to 100% brick" aka 120W, check AccuBattery - phone's barely getting any power (Also, Ampere or Accu has been around for years and it's not some crappy app

). But if it's not enough, system itself can display the current it's getting, but yeah, that's also crap and ad-infested (Xiaomi, am I right, haha

>Xiaomi decides to stop displaying "120W" message and uses "charging quickly" instead because it'd be easier for end users to understand, like, "dude the f**k is 120W lmao, just charge I don't give a damn"
Xiaomi did not stop displaying the 120W message

"Quick Charging" message is displayed when charging with standard power
>Some users get confused and think "turbo charge" stopped working
Turbo Charge did stop working - look up.
>Pretend to know what the f**k does 120W actually mean
Explain, don't complain then? XD
>Proceed to "build" a new ROM with images from different firmwares
>Phone doesn't turn on
>Fix it ASAP
First of all, that's not the order of things that have happened? Nobody here was asking for help with their phone not turning on. You say "different firmwares" like someone was combining softs from literally multiple vendors, for different phones XD
Yes, a fix would be nice, as one of the critical features - Charging your phone - is not working properly.
People who spoke here, were willing to test, debug and experience themselves on how to try to fix the issue, yet you come here and believe we are some ******* privileged people, who expect everything to be done for them.
I can't tell whether you're just some troll, or you really believe in what you're saying - but that's simply disgusting and offensive to everyone included. Yet, you are not going to explain, how "120W" works actually, because... Do you actually know what it is yourself? Do you even own a RN14P+ in the first place and you KNOW in details what are we talking about? XD
Please, restrain from that amount of toxicity, because it simply shows how deeply rooted your own issues might be - Just do it for your own sake and PR.
I copied the vendor_boot.img file from globalrom to eu-rom and installed it on the phone. However, the phone did not turn on.
I hope it didn't brick your phone tho?... :/