

30 Apr 2022
Hi xiaomi eu developers
Thank you for providing best custom roms for our devices
I have a little suggestion/request if you can do it
It will be very helpful if you create hybrid version of last stable miui 11 & 12 roms for devices or at least miui 12 if it's very hard to do
Like i have mi 10 (umi 10) last miui 12 stable was 12.5.10
Some of us face many problems/errors while installing recovery roms with twrp, so we can install hybrid version with fastboot easily
Thank you
No longer possible. Once we're done with a certain MIUI version and/or Android version, we clean it out of our build scripts.
what if there is no twrp but stock recovery
If there is no TWRP, the updater can't install the ROM.
(Just to clarify, I was talking about the updater before, obviously the official ROM update won't let you install a custom ROM)