[rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

uhm. did you install normal version?
I have mi4w and using this smiui 7 since today and i think is great. really great, no problem at all, even the browser which on 5.8.6 crashed not here
i was using aroma version, now downloading normal one. i will let you all know the result.
i was using aroma version, now downloading normal one. i will let you all know the result.
nope, not worked again. Dont know what is wrong but the last working smiui is 5.8.6 for me. Normal version install ended with error 7. when rebooted it starts with mi bootloader screen then comes smiui7 bootlogo, then comes mi booting logo with running line at bottom, when line comes to end instead of seing miui launcher i see smiui7 boot logo and stays there forever.


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You installed it with a modified recovery? Because I used the mi recovery all others made me some trouble with Mi recovery and normal one it works like a butter here
You installed it with a modified recovery? Because I used the mi recovery all others made me some trouble with Mi recovery and normal one it works like a butter here
Yes modified CWM recovery which lets us to install 2 different OS same time.
I had no problem installing smiui 5.8.6 with it. but 5.8.25 doesnt install, tried both versions, formatted my data + cache + dalvik,
is there another way i can install it without losing my system1 OS (flyme OS)

foe exp: i should make my active boot to system2, then install twrp and instal this. could it be installed on system2 partition or what? then i revert back to my CWM because i realy like TDB (dual boot)
of course i know what cwm or twrp are, i meant that i had alwys problem with them...
Are you using dual boot? i think that's not well supported, i zlwayws had lot of problems with tdb i used it for 1 week than stop.
Try it with standard recovery and you will see it's ok
cwm with TDB off, mi3w. 5.8.25 AROMA installed without any errors. Works perfect.
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At the moment I'm not so much satisfied about the battery. I use it as every other day and it didn't last the whole day unfortunately. I will use it for a couple of days and then come back here with my opinion :)
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Okay, just one more thing. Yesterday I tries to charge my phone and it seems to be charging very slow. I thought it maybe was my charger. Last night I charged it again with a different charger, it charged from 11:00pm till 6:00am and it still wasn't fully charged :oops:
Several issues with different widgets. Had to readd them several times.
Phone is also sluggish. Mi4.
Thinking of reverting.