[rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

When having such a bootloop you just have to flash your phone (/system) with a working ROM..

1 install a custom recovery (cwm/twrp)
- boot to fastboot
-"fastboot flash recovery recovery.img"

2 reboot your device to the newly installed custom recovery

3 flash working ROM
-connect phone to PC
-copy working ROM to your phone
--> adb push ROMFILE.zip /sdcard/
-click install zip from sdcard
-install newly copied working ROMFILE.zip

gz -> your system is up and running again . . .

its not very detailled but thats pretty much it ..

Another alternative is to completely wipe your phone, get angry about the whole world and spam the thread about how much you hate everyone.

Thank you for this guide!

After flashing 5.9.24 on my Mi2s it got stuck on Mi logo during boot. I reverted to 5.9.17, installing a custom recovery following your guide above.
Thank you for this guide!

After flashing 5.9.24 on my Mi2s it got stuck on Mi logo during boot. I reverted to 5.9.17, installing a custom recovery following your guide above.
can you please tell me the rom id of your 5.9.24 ? I will check why you had bootloops.
Best rom! But high temp on Hermes..

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
Thats a problem of Xiaomi and all MIUI Roms for RedMi Note 2.

I tried to mod the thermal control of RedMi Note 2 but there is no thermal control service running at all. Maybe they fix that in future versions, but as for now I couldnt find any thermal config in the ROM.
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Hello, I'm trying to download the latest 5.9.24 but I get really slow speeds.
3-5 kB/sek and often it fails after some time, have tried with explorer and firefox.
Any tips to dowlad faster and more stable?
Hello, I'm trying to download the latest 5.9.24 but I get really slow speeds.
3-5 kB/sek and often it fails after some time, have tried with explorer and firefox.
Any tips to dowlad faster and more stable?
Reboot your router at home.

smiui.net is provided with 1Gb/s in and out and does not limit anything at all.
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Can try to reboot router but I don't think it will make a difference. Torrent program works at good speeds. So The spred is there, 700-800 kB/sek.
Trying to download to Europe but it shouldn't make a difference.
ROFL, standard sys admin answer #111 Have you tried to turn it off and on?
Im working as an IT specialist for 8 years now, and this is fixing 90 % of all problems ;) :D

Does anyone else have problems with download speed from smiui.net ? Just tried it again and I am downloading 12 MB/s in germany.
Whats the problem ? You can install CWM anytime you want with fastboot.

I love TWRP but I had problems by myself .. Wanted to wipe data to test some smaller things for the next update and I did with TWRP.. Unfortunately TWRP doesnt care about the fact, that /data and /sdcard is exactly the same partition ( CWM can handle that!)
So I wiped the whole storage on my Mi4 .. All pictures, vids, backups, data - everything is gone and I did not have any external backups (silly me) ...

So just download the latest CWM recovery.img and boot to fastboot mode -> type fastboot flash recovery recovery.img and reboot your device ! Thats it.
Will try.... after migrating all phone files to iMac before making another booboo. ;) (Hellllo terminal commands...)

I have three (way earlier downloaded) CWM R8, R11 and... a R8 4.4...
If I remember correct I was using R8 4.4 because the newer ones would install?

Do you have any opinion on this?
How did you flash the ROM ?


I've build a version with clean cache and other without, both didn't work.

System is in English, options from cook:
GPS South America;
Center clock mod;
MiUi Weather and Browser;
Unicode MMS;
Xiaomi Framework;
Screenoff animation.

I've build a version with clean cache and other without, both didn't work.

System is in English, options from cook:
GPS South America;
Center clock mod;
MiUi Weather and Browser;
Unicode MMS;
Xiaomi Framework;
Screenoff animation.

Could you please try it again now ? I uploaded a new version.
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Hey guys

could some with an Andriod 5.0 device ( aries , leo , hermes ,ferrari ) please upload his sMiUI Boot Log here ?

You can find it at /sdcard/MIUI/sMiUI_boot.log

thx for your help
Hey guys

could some with an Andriod 5.0 device ( aries , leo , hermes ,ferrari ) please upload his sMiUI Boot Log here ?

You can find it at /sdcard/MIUI/sMiUI_boot.log

thx for your help

here it is, my mi2s boot log


  • sMiUI_boot.txt
    6.7 KB · Views: 392
mi2s bootlog.

The battery still drains, and I don't know what's wrong :/


  • smiui-mi2s-bootlog.txt
    43.4 KB · Views: 300
mi2s bootlog.

The battery still drains, and I don't know what's wrong :/

Please try to find wakelocks or battery eating Apps with "BetterBatteryStats" or similar apps ...
I personally find 5.9.24 to be more battery hungry than previous builds ...

Lets wait for next MIUI release
I tried to update my mi2s using the Updater app, but that didnt work, so I used the normal MiRecovery method. Not sure what the deal is, but now its stuck at the boot screenat the mi logo. I tried booting into System 1 and System 2, same behavior. I'll try to update it again. Not sure what else I can try?