[rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

Hi Guys,
I have the following problem : when I connect a headset with my mi2s , I have a noise and clatter in Micro . If I restart the phone and connect the headset for the first time, everything is fine. If I disconnect the headset and re- connect the problem occurs .
I am currently on the Smiui 5.11.12 .
Does anyone have an solution?
Tried smiui center mod this morning, wifi and signal layout still have to switched. I need it for smiui mi4i 6.4.7 , not mi4..thanks

sent by my fingers

Download latest 6.4.21 or wait for 6.4.28

Please seb I am using an old mms.apk could you support me with your 160SMS mod? I really missed it

Sorry I cannot support older Versions, I hope you understand :/
Anybody facing problems with Google sync? In my case (Mi4c, latest stable) calendar und notes does not work seemlessly...
Got a little problem with my mi2s after flashing the newest version via twrp recovery. the procress stops with an error and now the phone starts only in recovery mode. even after wipe data.
can anyone help please?
thx a lot
Download latest 6.4.21 or wait for 6.4.28

Sorry I cannot support older Versions, I hope you understand :/
There no 6.4.21 or 6.4.28 for mi4i..no weekly. Stop at 6.4.7 until next stable released...so please help us, at least show us how to patch systemui.apk.thanks

sent by my fingers
This newest version (6.4.28) seems to work perfectly fine for me again. Great to have the three-ways reboot option back again!
None of the creepy "No SIM-card present" or no WiFi problems I had on the former version (6.4.21) that forced me to revert to version 6.4.14.

Thank you very much!

- Mi-4c
what device ?
Latte, or Mi Pad 2.
what do you mean with break ? whats the problem ?
Bootloop, you can tail the logcat.
which features did you enable ?
  • Optimize GPS -> Asia
  • Center Clock MOD -> Enable
  • Install MIUI Bugreport App
  • Install Viper4Android
  • Install AdBlocker
  • Install MiXplorer App
  • Xylon SystemUI Animations
  • Xiaomi Sync Service
  • Wipe Dalvik/ART Cache
Additional info:
Dirty flash over 6.4.14
Latte, or Mi Pad 2.

Bootloop, you can tail the logcat.

  • Optimize GPS -> Asia
  • Center Clock MOD -> Enable
  • Install MIUI Bugreport App
  • Install Viper4Android
  • Install AdBlocker
  • Install MiXplorer App
  • Xylon SystemUI Animations
  • Xiaomi Sync Service
  • Wipe Dalvik/ART Cache
Additional info:
Dirty flash over 6.4.14
please download again ...should be fixed now.
  • Like
Reactions: paclix
need more info, what device? which features enabled... your rom id ... the exact error... send me the /tmp/recovery.log from twrp file manager after you get the error.then i cna help you

After full wipe and starting flash process these errors came up

Failed to extract dir from"system" to"/system"
E:error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/SMiui_V7_aries_6.4.28_70VGX.zip'
Error flashing zip '/sdcard/SMiui_V7_aries_6.4.28_70VGX.zip'
Updating partition details......done


  • features.jpg
    95.4 KB · Views: 332
  • recovery.log - Editor.pdf
    47.5 KB · Views: 460
Tryed to flash 6.4.21 on Note 3 Pro (SnapDragon) but wifi and SIM not work.
Full wipe before flashing of course.