Samsung Galaxy S i9000


28 Dec 2010
Are there any plans for a port for this device? Almost 10 million units sold, still has the best hardware coupled with the worst software in the industry. That poor phone needs your help :)
maybe once miui gets into 2.3 base, AND cyanogen guys get a working kernel, MIUI could get ported :p
Yeah unfortunately one of the best and worst phones so little.development done for it :(

I'm on hd2 and neither galaxy neither dhd has miui yet :( so phone

I.seen in the other thread dhd isn't that far away from a miui port :) so might look into that :)
well a about an hour after you post the first working MIUI port for desire HD came out ...

there are still some work in progress, like having an 8Mpx camera (it only work up to 5Mpx)
and finding a way to port the nexus one firmware to DHD ... cause redox bases his work on the Desire Z port, and this version is 12.18 ... so not the latest one
well a about an hour after you post the first working MIUI port for desire HD came out ...

there are still some work in progress, like having an 8Mpx camera (it only work up to 5Mpx)
and finding a way to port the nexus one firmware to DHD ... cause redox bases his work on the Desire Z port, and this version is 12.18 ... so not the latest one

cool :) might actually look into replacing my HTC HD2 now :)
I also got a Galaxy S and I feel lost without the MIUI rom. I have MIUI on a Desire and love it. I tried some custom roms, but nothing compares to MIUI, so I'm waiting with tears in my eyes.
i'll try a port if my girlfriend agree to give me her SGS this week end, but i can't promise that it'll work ..
I must first look if cyanogenmod or other samsungless mod work well on this phone
Hey, someone of you devs... Would you make this rom or not... We know that you can do it... Please please please
This phone could really make miui run better than ever, and I9000 really needs this Rom.

+1000 to this port if possible!
Please please please :rolleyes:

I'll change in few week my phone to take the Galaxy S because I think it's one one the best android phone ...
Already 15 millions users !!!! lol

but miss one thing .... MIUI !!! the best rom and user interface ever seen !

So please could we have an information about port..... ? yes or no ? when ?

thanks already :) +1000000
I think they are waiting for CyanogenMod to fully port over to SGS, stable before they try to do MIUI. Seems to me that AOSP rom would be easier for MIUI dev. But this is just my speculation, probably 100% wrong :p
CM7 is very close to final on the i9000... perhaps miui isn't too far away !?
please port it to Samsung Captivate

please port it to Samsung Captivate, MIUI is the best android ROM I ever use on Evo.