New Security App Repeatedly Crashes When Using Restrict Data Usage


30 Jan 2016
I have a Mi5 with stable version
The steps are the following:
1) open Miui Security app and restrict data usage for a specific app.
2) open the "restricted" app and use it.
3) the Security app repeatedly crashes in the background. I guess the crashes happen when the "restricted" app tries to access the internet.

This bug is not new: see
However, in my case it looks like the data usage restriction actually works, even though the Security app crashes.

Another related bug report:

Edit: I had to remove "https" from the links, because I'm new to the forum...
Did you try on EN language?
Wow, it works in English (UK).
I've noticed that in English, when I open the "restricted" app, a dropdown notification appears on the top of the screen saying that the app can't access the internet. In Italian, such notification doesn't appear and the Security app crashes instead.
Any advice about fixing the Italian localization?
Also, I've just noticed that the French localization crashes too. German works same as English, instead.
I need a log from that crash... post it here...
Here it is:

java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException: Format specifier '%2$s'
    at java.util.Formatter.format(
    at java.util.Formatter.format(
    at java.lang.String.format(
    at com.miui.networkassistant.service.FirewallService.showNetworkRestrictNotify()
    at com.miui.networkassistant.service.FirewallService.resolveAppBlocked()
    at com.miui.networkassistant.service.FirewallService.-wrap2()
    at com.miui.networkassistant.service.FirewallService$2.handleMessage()
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
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Ok, I've fixed this myself for version I guess this will work on other bugged versions as well.
Only prerequisite: you must be rooted.

1) download the attached file (txt extension because the forum has restrictions to the uploadable file types, but it's actually a zip file)
2) remove the txt extension and DO NOT add zip extension: the file should be named "com.miui.securitycenter" without any extension
3) push the file to /system/media/theme/default/
4) chmod the file to 644 (with your file manager or with TWRP)
5) reboot

This way, the notification about denied network access will be in Italian and won't crash. If you want to fix it for another language, just open the attached file: it contains an xml where you have to translate the italian "non può utilizzare la rete" to your language. It means "can't use network".


  • com.miui.securitycenter.txt
    340 bytes · Views: 372
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