Resolved [SGS2][2.5.4, .11] Shady SMS, Super Private Conversation, Call Manager NOT Working Anymore

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Il Pres

11 May 2012
Hi All,
after upgrading to these latest version of MIUI, Shady SMS, Super Private Conversation, Call Manager and all these apps that intercept Sms' and calls before they're stored in the regular app, are not working. It seems the apps cannot read or put them self in the event queue or something. To fix this I've installed the old MMS.apk from 2.4.13 in the system/app folder. I'm asking if something has changed on a settings point of view or some change in the code or if this could be addressed somehow in future versions. I can help with debugging. I think this could be also related to the missing GO SMS Notifications. Any Help?
Thank you very much!!
Have you checked the security / SU app to see if they have readable permissions?
Yes sure, the app is fully trusted... The mms.apk version 2.4.13 is working fine. 2.4.20 till now is NOT working, whatever I do with permissions and config... Did lotsa full wipe and reinstall... No joy :( Thanks for replying...
Um. Try this.

If you have time, put back the 5.2.11 Mms.apk, and then run

"adb logcat > log.txt"

As that is going, get someone to send a TXT to you. Then after you receive the text. Go back to your computer and hit

"CTCL C" to stop that log from being written. Then upload that log.txt to pastebin, then post here.
Please find at this link the NON WORKING logcat:

here's the working log

I've sent a message to myself, which is a proper test to see if this is working or not.
Using Shady SMS and just changed mms.apk on 2.5.11 rom version. Please let me know if this is enough. From what i can see, the Shady App does not even get called in the non working log...

I think this has to do with the system message priority function.

See here: ... 9F%AD%E4%BF%A1.html

In couple of builds ago, miui implemented a featured in the stock message app called "prioritize system message", it is switched on in default. When this feature is on, the stock message app gets to show the sms notification first, so that other 3rd party apps couldn't detect it.

I suggest you go to SMS - Settings, and then scroll to the bottom, there should be a "system message priority" option. Leave that un-checked, see if that would help.
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That solved it... thank you very much!! I wish I could read Chinese :) :) . Great support!
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