Side depending access to notifications and/or toggle page


Feb 11, 2012
Direct access to notifications or toggle page depending on the side of status bar you drag

I use the page toggle (not the compact with 4 scrollable icon) in status bar pull down menu

I have a permanent status bar notification called Battery Monitor Widget. When I pull down the status bar I always get notifications page and I have to make an additional left scroll to get toggle's page.
There was something about a mod for miui that makes the following: if you pull the left side of SB you get notif. page and when you pull the right side of SB you get the toggle page. It does not affect anything if you use the compact toggle mode.

I think it will be a useful feature. I don't like batch of power widgets on my home screen, and the 4 widget is not enough in the compact toggle mode (ok it scrollable, but it need again a scroll motion, so it is slow). The above mentioned mod is simple and quick I think. What's your opinion?

Is there any way to apply this?

thx Guys