SMS over 160 characters..


7 Dec 2010
Ok I love the stock sms application in MIUI, but I can't find the settings to allow over 160 character messages. Any way to fix this? (Splitting the messages by words.)
I dunno, it lets me type huge texts with several hundred characters.

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk
Well I used to have the problem with handcent, but there was a message splitter. It seemed like there would be one here, but it's not. I tested to see if it was just that person, but it was no use. I have to stop at 160 characters. :\

E: I searched a bit, and I guess it seems that some people have the problem and some don't. ;x
Everyone I know has a device that is capable of EMS but Verizon automatically splits large texts to devices that don't support it. Kinda convenient except it sends me a text every time telling me it split a text, lol.

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk
Everyone I know has a device that is capable of EMS but Verizon automatically splits large texts to devices that don't support it. Kinda convenient except it sends me a text every time telling me it split a text, lol.

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk

is that what happens? i always wondered lol.. i can send texts over 160 characters and never really questioned it, just accepted it lol
Hmmm... I'm on a CDMA Desire (Cellular South) and I'm almost positive they support it, but I could be wrong. Oh well.
At least on Verizon they automatically split the text and then you'll receive a notification that the receiving device doesn't support EMS and that it has been split. I would also be willing to bet it only does this on other Verizon phones since I don't think they would otherwise know the receiving device doesn't support EMS.

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