I got a 14T a few days ago and I mostly like it a lot, but one serious problem for me is the fact that, when I play a podcast on spotify, the player widget on the lock screen ONLY has a play/pause button and nothing else. Specifically, it does not have buttons to skip forward/backward by 15 or so seconds, which is a feature that I need A LOT, because I listen to podcasts in spanish in order to learn the language, and am constantly skipping back to listen to some part hat I did not understand propperly the first time around.
Anyway, this problem was already discussed on the forums over a year ago, and, insanely, it still seems to persist: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads...screen-when-playing-podcast-on-spotify.71337/
It is incredible to me that one of the central features of one of the biggest apps in the world would remain broken for that long. PLEASE do something to fix this. I don't care if the buttons are big or small, just so long as they are THERE.AT.ALL.
Anyway, this problem was already discussed on the forums over a year ago, and, insanely, it still seems to persist: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads...screen-when-playing-podcast-on-spotify.71337/
It is incredible to me that one of the central features of one of the biggest apps in the world would remain broken for that long. PLEASE do something to fix this. I don't care if the buttons are big or small, just so long as they are THERE.AT.ALL.