New Sunstone booting to Fastboot after flashing Hyper 2.0 over 1.0

Irfan Patel

23 Dec 2016
Initially, my phone was running Xiaomi.EU HyperOS 1.0 ROM. I flash the HyperOS 2.0 fastboot ROM in fastboot mode. At the end of the script when it rebooted, the normal boot screen flashed very briefly before the fastboot screen came back. I tried flashing again and the same thing happened, so the ROM was not working.
,Afterwards I flashed the HyperOS 1.0 ROM and debricked the phone; it booted normally.
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Initially, my phone was running Xiaomi.EU HyperOS 1.0 ROM. I flash the HyperOS 2.0 fastboot ROM in fastboot mode. At the end of the script when it rebooted, the normal boot screen flashed very briefly before the fastboot screen came back. I tried flashing again and the same thing happened, so the ROM was not working.
,Afterwards I flashed the HyperOS 1.0 ROM and debricked the phone; it booted normally.
same problem, i flashed fastboot and recovery both way many more time's, all times getting bootloop and booting into fastboot screen. please solve this problem, dev
It's A Bug, Xiaomi.EU Team is fixing and will reupload the ROM soon.
It won't happen "soon" if we don't get any logs. Anything (except TWRP logs, they are useless for us) from star, venus, lisa, sunstone or redwood would be appreciated (preferably logcats).
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Make sure you enabled USB debugging and authorized device on PC first, then try to make logcat while it gets stuck at Mi logo.
If you don't get any log during that process, at least try to copy super.* files from OS2 zip to OS1 zip (make a backup of original OS1 zip first), flash it and check if it boots (it might be a bit risky on sunstone as security patch is different, should be safe on star). It may say what causes the issue: something within super partition or something outside it.
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Make sure you enabled USB debugging and authorized device on PC first, then try to make logcat while it gets stuck at Mi logo.
If you don't get any log during that process, at least try to copy super.* files from OS2 zip to OS1 zip (make a backup of original OS1 zip first), flash it and check if it boots (it might be a bit risky on sunstone as security patch is different, should be safe on star). It may say what causes the issue: something within super partition or something outside it.
The issue is definatilly inside the super.
How can we make "logs". Most of us are no programmers.
The link was provided just above

I think someone in the redwood telegram group managed to get logs for hos 2 eu


  • logcat.txt
    564.1 KB · Views: 20
Cannot get ADB Logcat


  • adb.png
    14.4 KB · Views: 22