New Text Reflow - Does It Work for You (System Browser is OK)


Nov 15, 2014
Although no-one seems to have established a confirmed bug report, some time ago users posted reports of Text Reflow not working after v36 update (whatever that means) which I guess was 4.9.26. (Is this Miui v6?)

If anyone else is having no Text Reflow in versions after 4.9.26 it would be very nice if they confirmed my bug report here and add extra info otherwise overworked Development will have no reason to notice. System Browser works fine but try pinch and zoom on PDFs etc or use other apps like RSS readers and see if Text Reflow works.

Text Reflow is quite a major feature especially for tablets so if it is a general problem after 4.9.26 it would be good to get fixed. If it isn't a general problem then that would be good to know also.

Responses would be much appreciated - good karma no doubt will ensue :=)
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