Theme colors, updater


12 Jun 2012

I am new to MIUI and i have searched forum and only thing i found on matter is from march and those topics say that theming is not fully functional in V4.

So... I have downloaded couple themes which should (according to photos) have dialer, notification and toggles tab themed, but those remain the same as i got in original MIUI theme (white and orange).
So, am i doing something wrong or it is still not possible?

Also, MIUI updater is saying that i am on latest version, but when i was on 2.6.1 and 2.6.8. was released it still said that i am on latest so i had to update manually. does this option work and if not can i remove this app from phone since, obviously, i don't need it if it doesn't work?

Currently i am on 2.6.8 on HTC Sensation and everything else seems to be working great.

Thank you
Themes do not work 100% yet.

In the updater app is it checked "Update to monthly build only" ? if it is then uncheck it.
thanks for reply blackstones. yes it was checked... now i have to wait for friday to see if it works.