Troubles in Poco F3 paradise: TWRP and Fastboot mess-up? Encryption & update problems


12 Sep 2019
Hi there,

though i'm not a newbie, i'm not an expert either. I usually go by trial and error.
And so I have done with my Poco F3: I've succeeded (with trial and error) to get a recent MIUI rom on it and it runs real smooth. But the TWRP I am using, is not able to decrypt anymore with the password I've always used. And I think my fastboot-option is corrupt, since when I boot to this option my pc does not recognize my phone as a device anymore.
I am looking therefore for instructions / a tutorial on how to repair the fastboot option and how to go about with the encyption if I don't know what te password is. I would like to be able to upgadre to the latest .eu rom, but for this my twrp needs to decrypt and I can't get that to function anymore. So in present TWRP, i can not acces any rom-files, also not through the SD-storage function
Ofcourse there will probably by an option for clean install of everything, but where is it and how does this find the nescessary rom-file (as the file explorer had only acces to internal files and even then not to encrypted part).

Hope I explain it clearly enough?
Any help / tips / suggestions will be appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!
You need to update your recovery to one built for A12 (I use Orangefox), but if you disable your screen lock in MIUI (settings - passwords & security - screen lock - turn off screen lock) you should be able to view storage with your current recovery.

As for the fastboot problem, do you have the drivers installed? You can get them from the xiaomi bootloader unlocker app
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You need to update your recovery to one built for A12 (I use Orangefox), but if you disable your screen lock in MIUI (settings - passwords & security - screen lock - turn off screen lock) you should be able to view storage with your current recovery.

As for the fastboot problem, do you have the drivers installed? You can get them from the xiaomi bootloader unlocker app
Many thanks for helping me! The fastboot problem is probably solved with the help of reinstalling the usb-drivers trhough the bootloader unlocker app!
I am currently using TWRP 3.7.0 A12 (official version). Alas the disabling of screen lock in MIUI did not solve the problem of not being able to see my regular and USB storage. Do you think using an other TWRP will make a difference in this?
Alas the problem isn't solved.... After reinstalling the USB drivers, my the driver-utility reports it sees a device after I connect my Poco F3. In ADB (through powershell with administrator rights) however, on the command ADB devices it shows no connected devices. And also the fastboot flash recovery command does not work... it looks like it is uploading the twrp-file, but notihing really happens.
I'm guessing the fastboot that the official TWRP 3.7.0 brought me, does not function well... But now I have no idea on how to get the correct TWP img version on to the device, since I cannot seem to get an ADB session, and since the present TWRP 3.7.0 does not recognise the normal filesystem, I also cannot load it through the TWRP interface.

Any ideas on how to get out of this mess are very welcome, I would very much like to be able to have a properly updateable Poco F3 once again, appearantly I messed up by installing the official TWRP 3.7.0...

Thank you for helping me out, any idea is appreciated!
You are entering the wrong commands.
- start the device in fastboot mode and connect to the PC
- launch CMD and Enter the command to check the connection
fastboot devices
- enter the command to boot TWRP fastboot
fastboot boot twrp.img
- nainstalujte ROM

Thanks very much @Gogo .... This seems to have done the trick... I was able by using the righ command :) to boot into the correct TWRP (skk).... and from this booted twrp I installed the lastest stable EU rom... Great! Before rebooting, I opted in the skk Twrp to flash this Twrp into recovery... And all is well now! Great, thank you very much, I was worried about being halfway in bricking my phone, and now everything is working properly again thanks to your great advice and support. Much appreciated!
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Many thanks for helping me! The fastboot problem is probably solved with the help of reinstalling the usb-drivers trhough the bootloader unlocker app!
I am currently using TWRP 3.7.0 A12 (official version). Alas the disabling of screen lock in MIUI did not solve the problem of not being able to see my regular and USB storage. Do you think using an other TWRP will make a difference in this?
You have nothing to lose in trying this possible solution, brother... do it and comment
If the phone works without problems, there is no reason to "wipe cache/dalvik". This operation is performed automatically by the script every time the ROM is updated.
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If the phone works without problems, there is no reason to "wipe cache/dalvik". This operation is performed automatically by the script every time the ROM is updated.
You are a wealth of knowledge - thanks!
Hi, out of curiosity, do you have any idea where does this version come from? Because as Birraque said it's not listed on the official download page
From my various readings on XDA and other sites (including this one), skkk is a reliable developer of TWRP. His version of TWRP is solid and works great on the POCO F3. Also, you can trust @gogocar62 and his advice. Just read through several pages all over this site and you will understand how much reliable help he gives. ;)
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Hi, out of curiosity, do you have any idea where does this version come from? Because as Birraque said it's not listed on the official download page
The recommendations from @gogocar62 is absolutely safe. I just didn't know the availability of the latest version.
I didn't question the reliability of skkk and althought it could be implied I questioned gogocar62's, I specified it was out of curiosity.
Anyway that's not the point. If that file is actually original skkk work, going up to the chain it has to come from skkk themself, and their official website isn't listing curiosity remains :)
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I didn't question the reliability of skkk and althought it could be implied I questioned gogocar62's, I specified it was out of curiosity.
Anyway that's not the point. If that file is actually original skkk work, going up to the chain it has to come from skkk themself, and their official website isn't listing curiosity remains :)
Ahh okay, point well taken. For myself, I read several posts on it that were successful in its function so I didn't even question the file's origin.

I know that in the past (last year), there was another guy, nebrassy, who developed TWRP for the POCO F3 on XDA. His version was half the size of the previous one, but it worked for several people. I tried it as well and it was very good - no anomalies after its deployment. He supported his version on XDA and answered any questions users had. Through him, I found the zulip chat where TWRP testers and developers exchange information. It's a little too technical and involved for me so I rarely go there.

Not sure if this info will help in any way, but I'll share what little I know. ;)
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