TWRP problem


28 Feb 2020
Mi 9 lite WEEKLY 21.4.21 twrp-3.5.2_9-0-pyxis-TeamWin
Twrp does not backup me
The createTarFork () process ended with ERROR: 255
log: ==> set selinux context: u: object_r: extm_data_file: s0
failed to lookup tar policy for '/ data / extm' - '7cf8d53f424bc209'
I: Error adding file '/ data / extm' to '/sdcard1/TWRP/BACKUPS/f0c71e8a/2021-04-27--10-38-18/data.ext4.win004'
Error creating backup.
I: ERROR tarList for thread ID 0
Error creating backup.
I: InfoManager saving '/sdcard1/TWRP/BACKUPS/f0c71e8a/2021-04-27--10-38-18/'
The createTarFork () process ended with ERROR: 255
Backup failed. Cleaning up the backup folder ...
Help me thanks
Delete "/data/extm" folder before creating a backup in TWRP. ;)


In TWRP => "Advanced" menu => Terminal

Type: rm /data/extm -rf

Enter and create your backup now.
