TWRP Recovery help needed


3 Jun 2023
Hello, I am trying to install TWRP (by @TheMalachite) on my Redmi Note 10 5G.
I tried everyting:
fastboot boot twrp.img
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
fastboot flash boot twrp.img

They give me this output:
*just boots to system*
FAILED (remote: This partition doesn't exist)

The stock recovery of Xiaomi is still there, I can still access it like normal

I don't know what to do, my bootloader is unlocked correctly and my system has A/B partitions.
any help is accepted
Hello, I have redmi note 12 4g (tapas) and this code does not work


fastboot flash recovery_ab recovery.img
fastboot reboot recovery

It tells me failed-remote-no-such-partition/
change to tapas because they confuse people