Xiaomi 13 Pro problems with profile videos for incoming calls, FCM re-connection


2 Oct 2019
Hi All!
My Xiaomi 13 Pro was Flashed From Chinese Stable MIUI (V14.0.8.0.TMBCNXM) to MIUI.EU (xiaomi.eu_multi_NUWA_V14.0.22.0.TMBCNXM). Everything is good, but I found two problems:
Firstly, Strongly WANTED Turn off profile videos for incoming calls.
In Stock ROM here is the Turn off profile videos for incoming calls Option in Developer Option. However, in this new ROM I can search these words is search bar of setting, but actually this is no such option in Developer Option. Could add this option just like Chinese ROM? Its very useful in China to block video profiles when calling other guys. Here are some screenshots.
Picture 1 is searching video profile in search bar, and it shows having option.
Picture 2 is in Developer Option, but There is none such option just like what I said above.

2. FCM(Firebase Cloud Messaging) re-connection problem.
Every night I always turn off cellular to save battery, but after turning on cellular in the next day morning the FCM can’t be re-connected. To solve this problem, I have to force stop Google Play Services and check FCM Diagnostics. After these actions FCM can be re-connected again. On the contrary, My another device—Redmi Note 5 Pro (Whyred) which was flashed to xiaomi.eu 11.0.21—can be re-connected again every morning. Therefor, this could be something wrong with FCM on my Xiaomi 13 Pro?



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