Xiaomi Home Push Log, help to understand error with notifications


5 May 2023
Hello, I am new here but I've been using Xiaomi Home for 2 years without major issues.

The thing is that my old (but loved) Huawei P9 Plus became slow after 4 years since I bought it, so I restored it from factory settings to give him a second live till it dies.
Bad idea!!! The rest of app's work as good as before doing the reset but not Xiaomi Home app. So, I made the phone quicker restoring from factory but don't know what the hell has changed cause now I am not getting Xiaomi Home notifications anymore. The rest of notifications (Gmail, whatsapp...) do work perfect.

Notice I already test everything regarding battery power saving, allowing running the app in background, stopping app, clearing cache, changing region and language, etc... Nothing changed. The app itself works fine, I can enable or disable scenes and triggers etcetera, but no notifications at all. I have even tested different older versions of the app with same result.

I took a look at the following log, /Android/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/files/MiPushLog/log1.txt and it looks like there is a problem with push service:

2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] sdk_version = 4_8_6-G
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1105] register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] Don't send message before initialization succeeded!
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false
2023-05-05 18:27:57 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] Don't send message before initialization succeeded!
2023-05-05 18:28:02 p. m. com.xiaomi.smarthome-23408 [Tid:1109] register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false

On the other hand, if I look to process and services on my phone it looks like XMPushService is up and running

so I guess it is not a matter of the services being killed by Android after not being used. It think the clue is on that trace "register invalid, aid=true;atn=true;rid=false;rse=false;did=false" but after searching on the internet with negative result I ended up here.

Thank you very much if you read till the end and let's see if somebody knows about it.
P.D. I already sent the same log through the app to the Xiaomi developers, should I get a response or a solution I will update thread.

Pretty useless app. Mine is not working either. Not sure about the usefulness of a security camera that can't send notifications. All it needs to do is send a notification when a person is detected. I can make it send nofications when change is detected, which also sends notications when the lighting changes. But once enabled, you can't pause it or use geo fencing to disable it when someone is home.