New Xiaomi MI 10 keeps stopping and mobile data on and off


16 Sep 2023
Hey guys i just switched from global to eu used latest stable version from the web,sadly im suffering from the mobile data/sim turning off/on signal lost for a few secs and back again,followed by keeps stopping any idea what triggers those errors and how to fix?

i cant post the summary message from the crash message here sadly

edit: i did a factory reset and it got fixed for now!,the thing is before the factory reset i had the global rom mobile data settings layout but after the reset i got different layout with sim 2 and more settings i didnt had in global,dont know why it didn't appeared after first installing the rom because i cleaned installed all data through twrp,ah nevermind lets hope it wont cause issues anymore

Edit 2: i found out that restoring settings from global rom caused the issue,so if ur moving to eu and using a backup there is an option to restore device settings uncheck this option restoring the settings from the old/global rom might mess up ur system like it did with mine
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