Xiaomi Redmi 1w - Mtk 6589t - Miui 5.11.12 - Red Kat 2


17 Nov 2013
Hi all. My new ROM RED KAT 2 based on MIUI V7 is born
1. Fixed Bluetooth bug
-improved Mi Band stability - no more disconnecting - notification works - Mi Band vibration
- connecting with all BT car audio - AV system - synchronize Phonebook ,voice call ... same way as old MIUI V5
2. MSC mode added - Mass storage support
3. Xposed framework integrated
4. Modded Kernel with realy Init.D support
- Cam store images to SD card
- Phone storage and SD card inverted
5. Xperia Z keyboard
6. Latest Walkman as Music player - MIUI Music replaced
7. FM radio from AOSP with RDS support
8. Contacts after reboot fixed - no more contacts marked as unknown
9. MIUI Camera with filters and MP4 video recording format
10. Minimal brigtness set to 6
11. MTK engineering mode
12. Quick Pics gallery - replaced lagy MIUI Gallery
13. Advanced Power menu - reboot to Recovery - Fastboot (Bootloader) mode
14. Multilangague support
15. Google Apps inside

ROM is based on SMIUI Ktchen http://www.smiui.net/

SMIUI tweaks:

SMUI Tweaks :

# Video Acceleration Enabled And HW debugging
# Wireless Tweaks
# 3G signal and speed tweaks
# Better internet browsing & download speed
# Miscellaneous Tweaks for performance
# Fix some application issues (FC)
# Disable Sending Usage Data
# Increase jpg quality to 100%
# Improves Camera & Video Results
# Disable Bytecode Verification
# Force launcher into memory
# Increase the volume steps in-call
# Better Flashlight intensity and camera-flash quality
# Increase camera's photo and video recording quality
# Smoothens UI
# Better Scrolling responsiveness and speed
# Increase some Performance
# Allow purge of assets to free more ram
# Reduce dial-out time
# Device will boot faster
# Misc Tweaks (enables ADB service)
# Battery save
# Saves some battery without reducing performances
# Enable GPU Acceleration
# Rendering Tweaks

Install Stripped Unicode MMS - SMS with Unicode stripping
Install SuperSU - Root cez SU - MIUI Root manager replaced with SU
Add MiXplorer.apk - Root exporer with MIUI skin
Add Modded Mi-Band.apk
Volume Boost MOD
Center Clock MOD + No USB-Sound MOD - Centered clock - IOS style - removed USB sound after plugin USB cable
No-Beep Volsound MOD - remove sound after changing volume steps
Xylon System Animations - MIUi stock system animation replaced with Xylon - faster scrolling
Screen Off Animation - currently dissabled
GPS Tweaks - GPS tweaks set to Europe




FM radio:




USB mode:


Langagues supported:




About phone:


Advanced Power menu


1. Redmi 1 WCDMA HM2013023
2. Free space on SD card.
3. Flashed stock MIUI ROM V6 and above. For creating new partitions
Stock ROM

1. Download latest ROM.
2. Copy .zip file to root folder of SD card.
3. Reboot to Recovery. You can use Updater app. to reboot to TWRP recovery or simple flash from Updater
4. Flash dowloaded file. Press Install (change location to External SD card). Look for downloaded file. Swipe right to confirm flashing. After procedure done Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache
5. Reboot your phone. Job Done.
6. You can install Addons. Same way as install ROM
7. Boot your phone. Set your account, data ....
8. Wait for booting to MIUI , pleas wait 10 minutes to completing settings - scanning storages etc.
9. Open Settings - Additional settings - Storage and scroll down to Storage settings
Set storage places to Internal, look on screenshot


11. Launch Xposed icon on desktop - go to Framework - press Install/Update. You will be prompted for Super users , grant permission. Install normal and reboot.
Now reboot your phone, go to Xposed and check Modules. Again reboot.

Bugs or ToDo:

1. Inverted partitions - sorry MIUI bug
2. SD EXT - Link 2 SD support not working - for now cant be used with my Kernel - is under Development.


444 MB :

Mega :

1. Stock MIUI system UI animations

More addons later

This ROM is the first MIUI ROM fast bugree - can be marted as Stable.
First version come out on my forum on 26.Dec.2015 ,12-26-2015
I have worked on this ROM cca 3 weaks for fixing all posible bugs. Most of time 2 weaks for fixing BT bug.
My hardest work. Beating Gozdila UI and fixing BT bug realy hard.
Shame for Xiaomi. Im using Smali from Bluetooth.apk from REDMI Note 3G. Realy we need patchrom !!!

Enjoy your fresh new Stable ROM based on MIUI V7.​
Last edited:
No. Should increase system partitions to 800 MB but not works

Odoslané z thl 5000 pomocou Tapatalku
For the bug bluetoot such smali file you replaced? Substituting the following in the 6.1.28 version does not work:

- The app USB Mode2 is only in russian
- Root with supersu chainfire does not work, ok with Superuser ClockworkMod

BT fix writen to PM for you

MSC mode cant be for now translated. I think card coded on Smali. No time for translating . Maybe later.
Root for me works. On most APPs.
Thank you sonic. I have a Redmi 1w wcdma SG model which I previously unbrick to Miui v6, but GPS is sadly not working. In any case could i apply this ROM & any tip on my GPS issue on Miui v6.
Thanks again. Testing now with Redkat 2...so far it seems to be stuck with the Mi logo; not booting further. I am still able to get into recovery so not a problem as i have my backups. Let me know the next step if any. I can test around for awhile. Anyway My GPS seems to be a problem intermittently since i started using Miui V6 rom.
Try make full wipe. If not boot wait 10-15 minutes. You can try flash my modded kernel for sg version from twrp

Odoslané z thl 5000 pomocou Tapatalku
Thank you Sonic for the tip. It works now with full boot up to your RK2 ROM. All seems to be working fine with exception to my GPS issue which seems to persist; no idea for now how to solve this.

So for those who have Redmi 1w HW2013026 (SG model) should be able to apply your Redkat2

Just to sum up the steps
-Backup whatever i need using TWRP especially Nvram
-Do a full wipe.
-Install Rom
-install sg kernel

Did not take long to see both the Mi logo & android logo at the bottom. Install Successful.

Thanks again sonic. Perhaps you can add necessary info for those with SG model on you first post.
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Hi Sonic,
Thanks a lot for the work you shared with us.
I have still two questions for you:
- What is the drawback of the inverted partitions bug?
- Is it possible to use the Bluetooth Low Energy stack with your framework now? With Android 4.2 this was not possible, but the Hongmi is supposed to have a BLuetooth LE chip in it. Did someone try that out?
Partitions inverted - most app showing wrong path, but works fine
BT LE supported - tested on Mi Band and Mi Band 1s
@las cavel Have you tried unbrick your device (sp flash tools)? Can be HW problem and SW.
My GPS issues seems to have self resolved. Went out on a drive today to do some real test seems to be working but not optimal. Should be ok.
Dear Sonic,
Okay, I didn't know what Mi Band was, so sorry for my question about BLE.
I'm still on the MIUI-26.0.0 stable version (MIUI v5). Is it possible to directly switch to your ROM, or do I need to go before to MIUI v6 and only afterwards flash your ROM?
If the latter is the case, are there still MIUI v6 versions out there? I searched a bit on the "weekly updates" section, but didn't found the ROMs for HM2013023...
No. Flash old Twrp . Make full backup. Now make full wipe. Install red kat. Dont reboot, flash new twrp
Bt Le is supported from android 4.3 and above

Odoslané z thl 5000 pomocou Tapatalku
Hi Sonic,
I'm on your ROM since more than one week and I wanted to thank you again for your great work!
It runs very smoothly and until now I didn't find any problem in it.
Hi Sonic1SVK, I have currently installed on my device a MIUI ROM based on the xiaomi.eu 5.12.31.
May I install yours directly?

Inviato dal mio 2013023 utilizzando Tapatalk
Hi Sonic1SVK , I would like to know whether I can install your ROM directly from my current installed one, which is based on xiaomi.eu 5.12.31.
I have TWRP too.
Thank you in advance for your support.

From my Red Rice WCDMA through Tapatalk