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Ik ondervind helaas helaas veel problemen om via de Xiaomi Home-app verbinding te maken met mijn M365-scooter !
Als iemand me kan helpen hierbij zou ik u zéér dankbaar zijn. Mvg Frank Grinwis
There's a way to send me just the camera fix that came out today from .eu for the 12t pro that I wanted to apply in the dev china
I hope to do things correctly.
I want to delete my account and all my data from the forum, can you do it? Thanks
I cannot find any firmware for redmi note 11 pro plus stable (pissarro).
In my current global version, the aod is limited to only 10s. It is so annoying to me. Can I solve it? I have found many solutions but not solved it yet.( Redmi note 11 pro plus stable (pissarro).
I have the same phone and the Redmi Note 11 Pro+ (pisarro) won't get rom because it's processor is MediaTek based. It's a bummer
Seguro que cientos de veces has googleado ‘dónde hay una chatarrería cerca de mí’ o ‘hay alguna chatarrería cerca de mi ubicación’.Pues bien, si eres de la Comunidad de Madrid, o vives cerca de aquí, te traemos la mejor solución: nuestra Chatarrería Hermanos López.
Xiaomi 11 ultra MIUI 14 stabil installiert, alles funktioniert gut, nur ich kann keine Themen herunterladen und das App-Symbol ändern. Kann mir jemand helfen?
could you please remove my account?
could you please remove my account?
Could you delete my account please? Thanks
  • Deleted member 335496 wrote on MarkHUK's profile.

Could you delete my account please? Thanks
  • Deleted member 335496 wrote on graw2's profile.

Could you delete my account please? Thanks
Hallo Murmeltier,
ich habe Mi 11 Pro Stable 13.013.0. kann ich auf MIUI 14 V14. updaten und läuft da bei dir Online Banking und NFC?
Hi, sorry to bother again, would you have a complete guide to backup apps and app data from twrp? Thanks and sorry again for the inconvenience