Miui account on OTA Updater.


4 Jul 2011
Can't login on miui account on the updater.What account will I use? I used my account here in Miui Android but it didn't work. Help please. Thanks.
Somehow I I logged in I use dolphin browser addon to translate the miui.com because its all in chinese and I registered and now I can log in on the updater maybe that would help
Yeah, I can't figure out how to create an account either. Where is the register link on MIUI.COM ?
Yes that is it just translate and fill it out once your down try and log in on the updater it worked for me
My updater told me there was a ROM update for my phone, but I already have 1.8.19 installed?
I'm uncertain about my phone's status vis-à-vis OTA updates etc.

I got the phone as a gift from my wife, who got it from someone I can't communicate with to find out about root passwords, etc. But back in August my phone automatically updated to 2.8.10 after I did a system restore in an earlier version. Since then, I have been waiting for another good build for ICS, expecting to get an automatic OTA update for ICS on my S2 when I went on line this weekend.

But when I try to use the updater, it tells me I have the current version. I see note at the bottom of the updated screen suggesting that I set up an active MIUI account to get user points. This confuses me.

If it is necessary to have an active MIUI account to get updates, that would explain why I can't get the latest. But did it work before? Did I disable the account somewhere along the way? I tried to log in with my miuiandroid account, but it doesn't work. So I tried to create a new new one. When I did, I got a "registration failed" result, with the subtext that the phone has been registered. I have to guess that somehow there is an account for this phone (but not the number) and it was set up by the previous owner.

So I seek to verify if 2.9.29 qualifies as a stable build for OTA purposes, and if I should be able to get it despite the MIUI account issue described above. I'd also like to find out how to fix my account problem.
We haven't OTA sinced 2.8.10. We are waiting for a batch way to OTA. Currently we have to do each phone manually which takes an upward of 3 hours.

After building ROMs and ports and answer the same questions by users, no one wants to OTA. When Xiaomi gives us batch OTA, then we will continue it.

As for the account. You get points on your Xiaomi account every time you upgrade.
iBotPeaches, thanks for the OTA explanation! :)

Now I just need to figure out why my updater tells me I have no active MIUI account, but I can't seem to create a new new one, per my scenario described above. I'm also wondering if the fact that I don't seem to have an active account will block me from an OTA if and when a batch method is set up.
MIUI Account is not required for OTA. It'll work fine when we go forward with it. What phone are you on on? I can OTA 2.8.10 -> 2.9.29 and let you test.

Samsung S2

If I try to register, though, and I get "phone already registered", does that mean I need the pw for an already setup account? Any way to clear that out and make a new one?

Good to know that I don't need an account to get OTA updates.