How to Install via OTA or Updater app? Xiaomi 2


24 Mar 2013
I'm using Xiaomi 2, and update the rom by downloading from this website every week.

When I check the home page, it always says

Xiaomi devices:
  • Install via OTA or Updater app
I'm just wondering how?
I check the OTA, always says I got the latest version
And where is the Updater app?

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes
Do you have miuiandroid 3.8.23 installed?

~Tapatalk 4~
So OTA should work for you...

~Tapatalk 4~
Hi ingbrzy

I always get the message you already have the latest version installed, the application will notify you of any future updates, should I try on Saturday instead of Friday?

My current version is 3.8.29

Hi ingbrzy

I always get the message you already have the latest version installed, the application will notify you of any future updates, should I try on Saturday instead of Friday?

My current version is 3.8.29


for multilang builds of Mi2/S is OTA set at friday evening... for English build at Sunday or Monday...