How To Fix Recompile Framework-res.apk?(in Miui8) Not Boot To Menu.


6 Oct 2014
Help me please, My phone is boot logo mi.

- framework-res.apk

I tested this, but not work.
- sign
- unsign
- replace original META-INF & AndroidManifest.xml

Decompiling "framework-res.apk",
in workarea "_WorkArea1", using "apktool_2.1.1.jar"
With Debug Info Disabled

With Tickle My Android


I: Using Apktool 2.1.1 on framework-res.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files...


Decompile Successful!

Recompiling "framework-res.apk" With Original Signature,
in work area "_WorkArea1", using "apktool_2.1.1.jar"

With Tickle My Android


I: Using Apktool 2.1.1
W: Could not find sources
I: Building resources...
W: warning: string 'allow_button' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'deny_button' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'other_permissions' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_authenticateAccounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_clearAppCache' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_manageAccounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_manageAppTokens' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_setProcessLimit' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_shutdown' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permdesc_signalPersistentProcesses' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permgroupdesc_accounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permgrouplab_accounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permission_remember_choice' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permission_title' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_authenticateAccounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_bindPackageVerifier' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_manageAccounts' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_performCdmaProvisioning' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_runSetActivityWatcher' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_setProcessLimit' has no default translation.
W: warning: string 'permlab_useCredentials' has no default translation.
I: Copy original files...
I: Copy AndroidManifest.xml...
I: Copy META-INF...
I: Building apk file...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...


Recompile Successful!

i think you should add some apk files as a source, i haven't done modifications for a long time now, so i don't know how it works anymore. back then there was an apktool menu, with which you could easily install sources and de/recompile apk's and more
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Reactions: sazuke0703
i think you should add some apk files as a source, i haven't done modifications for a long time now, so i don't know how it works anymore. back then there was an apktool menu, with which you could easily install sources and de/recompile apk's and more

I used this framwork to install for decompile
- framework-ext-res.apk
- framework-res.apk
- miui.apk
- miuisystem.apk
- MiuiSystemUI.apk