Serious bootloop on RN8


30 Jun 2017
Serious bootloop on my RN8 due to a bad flash on a fake dolby atmos ;i' ve try to manage it with the original firmware for RN8 via fastboot and MIFLASH but it does'nt work
When i flash the firmware MIFLASH stop and i've a red message with error ,status says can't found flash all.bat
I've always access to twrp ,but i don't know other way to unbrick my phone
IF somebody of the great community of had a slution to help me it will be great !!!
You can contact me here
Serious bootloop on my RN8 due to a bad flash on a fake dolby atmos ;i' ve try to manage it with the original firmware for RN8 via fastboot and MIFLASH but it does'nt work
When i flash the firmware MIFLASH stop and i've a red message with error ,status says can't found flash all.bat
I've always access to twrp ,but i don't know other way to unbrick my phone
IF somebody of the great community of had a slution to help me it will be great !!!
You can contact me here
If you have TWRP access just go to wipe and format data (typing yes)
Else reflash latest EU stable in twrp.
give status back