New Mix 4 battery drain and no fast charging


6 Oct 2021
Hello, I flashed the Mix 4 weekly last night using the guide on this site. While installing my apps I did not notice that the battery was draining like water from a leaky bucket. It died before I could plug it in. It does not want to take a charge with the stock 120W cube and the stock cable, I left it to charge all night and there was no gain at all. It has just taken a charge in slow mode with a cheap slow charging cube. It does not gain any charge on Quick Charge whether the device is on or off. Has anyone experienced these issues? What should I do? Reflash? Please help!
Hello, I flashed the Mix 4 weekly last night using the guide on this site. While installing my apps I did not notice that the battery was draining like water from a leaky bucket. It died before I could plug it in. It does not want to take a charge with the stock 120W cube and the stock cable, I left it to charge all night and there was no gain at all. It has just taken a charge in slow mode with a cheap slow charging cube. It does not gain any charge on Quick Charge whether the device is on or off. Has anyone experienced these issues? What should I do? Reflash? Please help!
battery drain is a bit higher on 21.9.22, and yes i also have troubles to get 120w charge...just get turbocharge....maybe 67w or so.
Strange my mix 4 is charging fine, 120w 22 mins, although i have lost the boost setting in the charge menu, used to get 17 mins with that, not sure if thats a bug or it was removed for some reason.
Strange my mix 4 is charging fine, 120w 22 mins, although i have lost the boost setting in the charge menu, used to get 17 mins with that, not sure if thats a bug or it was removed for some reason.
Hi there, you are running the weekly or stable? And you get fast charging?? I just moved from the weekly to the stable and even the stable does not Quick Charge :((((
Im currently using the weekly and yes fast charging is fine.
I'm rattled that mine does not. I flashed the stable last night and also no fast charge. I flashed the fastboot weekly a few times prior. I don't know what to do next :((
Then its probably a charger or most likely cable issue, trying another would be your best bet, very awkward.
Now you're just showing off ;)

Did you flash the fastboot or recovery?

I'm using the stock charging Cube and the stock cable.
Edit: My fast charge works fine! I just noticed that I mixed up my Xiaomi white charging cables and was using the one from my Mix 2S the whole time. So embarrassed. Wasted so much time reading and reflashing. Your results made me reconsider everything.
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