TWRP and MIUI 13 / Android 12

Download the exact version that you currently have and let me know if it is fixed
Ok seems to be fixed. But where do I need to flash the TWRP image now? Its still on the old version now. I will just list all partitions I have:

Super (with 8GB)
Super (system, product, odm, system_ext, vendor)

I dont know why its partitioned like this. I bought it on Tradingshenzhen
Ok seems to be fixed. But where do I need to flash the TWRP image now? Its still on the old version now. I will just list all partitions I have:

Super (with 8GB)
Super (system, product, odm, system_ext, vendor)

I dont know why its partitioned like this. I bought it on ***************
Did you bought it sealed or aftermarket? Maybe somebody modified it.. Maybe you have to reflash the zip (without format)
Did you bought it sealed or aftermarket? Maybe somebody modified it.. Maybe you have to reflash the zip (without format)
I bought it on a china shop. It wasnt sealed because they installed the Custom ROM for me. I would like posting the name of the shop, but it got censored. Dont know why, but its not a helpful censor on a forum.
Its called "T r a d i n g s h e n z h e n"
I bought it on a china shop. It wasnt sealed because they installed the Custom ROM for me. I would like posting the name of the shop, but it got censored. Dont know why, but its not a helpful censor on a forum.
Its called "T r a d i n g s h e n z h e n"
They probably messed up something.. Flash the zip of the rom without format (even though I'd recommend you to do it)
They probably messed up something.. Flash the zip of the rom without format (even though I'd recommend you to do it)
I already flashed the zips multiple times, when doing updates for example. It wont change the partitions. I now asked the support of the shop, on which partition they installed TWRP. Hope I get an answer, otherwise, I will probably need to learn, how to install MIUI updates via fastboot probably. Because I really want MIUI 13 / Android 12
I already flashed the zips multiple times, when doing updates for example. It wont change the partitions. I now asked the support of the shop, on which partition they installed TWRP. Hope I get an answer, otherwise, I will probably need to learn, how to install MIUI updates via fastboot probably. Because I really want MIUI 13 / Android 12
There is nothing "to learn" about installing updates by fastboot. Just read the instructions and do it.
I already flashed the zips multiple times, when doing updates for example. It wont change the partitions. I now asked the support of the shop, on which partition they installed TWRP. Hope I get an answer, otherwise, I will probably need to learn, how to install MIUI updates via fastboot probably. Because I really want MIUI 13 / Android 12
dude, install via fastboot it easy peasy lemon squeezy, just unpacked zip files , connect phone to pc / laptop in fastboot mode, select update.bat , wait it finish flashing ( maybe takes some time ) & viola update to miui13 without losing any single data :)

ps : dont ever try to update fastboot zip via twrp , will result error :)
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Well seems like I destroyed everything now. I just flashed the TWRP.img file on the boot partition. I now wanted to boot into the System (so MIUI) and welp. Now it boots TWRP instead. Im now really goddamn scared that I broke my phone
you have to flash twrp.img into recovery
Well seems like I destroyed everything now. I just flashed the TWRP.img file on the boot partition. I now wanted to boot into the System (so MIUI) and welp. Now it boots TWRP instead. Im now really goddamn scared that I broke my phone
extract the boot.img from your actual rom-file and then flash the boot.img file

# fastboot flash boot boot.img
# reboot everything should be fine

Short explanation:

Devices with A/B partition scheme don't have a recovery partition so you cant "flash recovery twrp.img"
You can only boot in recovery mode with "fastboot boot twrp.img"

To permanently flash recovery to A/B devices, you need to unpack both boot.img (A/B) from device
Replace the ramdisk with the one extracted from twrp.img and repack then flash boot.imgs back to device ...

Do this to start twrp
# fastboot boot twrp.img

Dont do this to start twrp on A/B devices
# fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
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After installing miui V13 through fastboot (phone is mi 11 ultra chinese version with installed) will I be able to update in case of a future update OTA through phone menu or do I have to update every time through pc and fastboot? Also after installing miui 13 with fastboot will I be informed about new updates through update option in the settings like I do now?
After installing miui V13 through fastboot (phone is mi 11 ultra chinese version with installed) will I be able to update in case of a future update OTA through phone menu or do I have to update every time through pc and fastboot? Also after installing miui 13 with fastboot will I be informed about new updates through update option in the settings like I do now?
At the moment there are only fastboot images

Look here…, Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G (Renoir), official instructions for permanent flashing:

That is, TWRP, Advanced:
- Flash current TWRP
- Install recovery ramdisk

I have Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE (Lisa), and there is no official TWRP yet, but I found an unofficial twrp_lisa.img that is based on TWRP 3.6.0_11 (post #9):

Lisa is little bit newer than Renoir, also A/B device without Recovery

My Lisa is already rooted (still MIUI 12.5, A11 (MIUI 13, A12 not released for Lisa yet) - boot.img patched by Magisk and flashed to boot from TWRP

I wanted to see if it was possible to keep Magisk but also to install TWRP permanently

Then I temporarily booted to TWRP (fastboot boot) and tried:

1) Advanced / Flash current TWRP:
It failed (screenshot) complaining that recovery ramdisk was modified (supposidely due to my patching the boot.img by Magisk)

2) Advanced / Install recovery ramdisk:
It flashed successfully my TWRP img file but noted me (screenshot) that root was now overwritten.
Indeed, when I booted to System, Magisk app was showing no Magisk installed and I had to flash once again my patched boot.img (with Magisk then overwriting the TWRP)

All together, TWRP can be installed permanently but cannot (easily?) have Magisk and TWRP, permanently, in parallel - since both patch the Boot


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Guess I have a problem?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
target reported max download size of 805306368 bytes
sending 'recovery' (196608 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.617s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: (recovery_a) No such partition)
finished. total time: 4.621s
Hey so yeah, like he said, don't even try. I almost lost my phone 4 times trying to get TWRP on Android 12 like a dumbass. Just stay tuned for the next TWRP Release that will probably bring Android 12 support. And for your error, it's pretty normal. You are trying the old flashing way. The new one use Onekey Inject but as you know, for now.. No TWRP for A12 :(
Hey so yeah, like he said, don't even try. I almost lost my phone 4 times trying to get TWRP on Android 12 like a dumbass. Just stay tuned for the next TWRP Release that will probably bring Android 12 support. And for your error, it's pretty normal. You are trying the old flashing way. The new one use Onekey Inject but as you know, for now.. No TWRP for A12 :(
What do you mean? Did you try to flash another version of twrp or tried to flash a rom with old twrp (for android 11)?
What do you mean? Did you try to flash another version of twrp or tried to flash a rom with old twrp (for android 11)?
You can't decrypt data :/ And i tried everything that was related to the glitch, only thing i didn't did was sideloading a fix but this was because i could not see it on adb. I tried a lot of TWRP versions too. A 3.5.0 official from TWRP.ME, A 3.5.0 Unofficial, A 3.5.1 Not official too and finally a 3.5.2 also unofficial. Every single one had the problem with 12, not 11 tho.
Hi! Maybe someone can help me...ive a Mi10 with latest MIUI 12.5 ROM installed and phone told me to update to MIUI 13. So I installed latest Twrp for Android 12 and downloaded latest ROM. Cos I never updated a Rom via fastboot before, I also downloaded a Recovery ROM for my Mi10 (didn't realised it was a CN ROM). First I tried to install those fastboot Rom and everything was looking fine but after finishing update my phone always boots into twrp. I wasn't able to boot into system anymore. Luckily I had those CN ROM on internal store so i flashed it via twrp. It was successful so now I've those China Rom on my phone and don't want it. So again I was trying to flash latest ROM via fastboot but this time update process was stuck while flashing "cust". I tried it again but this time with format data...update process finished but last two lines I get "fastboot: error: Command failed" and I had bootlop. I was still able to boot into twrp and there still was those CN ROM in twrp folder. Flashed it via twrp so now I'm back to CN ROM.
Anyone knows what's my issue or got a solution?
Hi! Maybe someone can help me...ive a Mi10 with latest MIUI 12.5 ROM installed and phone told me to update to MIUI 13. So I installed latest Twrp for Android 12 and downloaded latest ROM. Cos I never updated a Rom via fastboot before, I also downloaded a Recovery ROM for my Mi10 (didn't realised it was a CN ROM). First I tried to install those fastboot Rom and everything was looking fine but after finishing update my phone always boots into twrp. I wasn't able to boot into system anymore. Luckily I had those CN ROM on internal store so i flashed it via twrp. It was successful so now I've those China Rom on my phone and don't want it. So again I was trying to flash latest ROM via fastboot but this time update process was stuck while flashing "cust". I tried it again but this time with format data...update process finished but last two lines I get "fastboot: error: Command failed" and I had bootlop. I was still able to boot into twrp and there still was those CN ROM in twrp folder. Flashed it via twrp so now I'm back to CN ROM.
Anyone knows what's my issue or got a solution?
Just select update with format data and leave it until it's done. Don't interrupt it
Did you use the format data option?
Yes...install with format data. Last two lines I get an error but process finished. Then I tried to restart phone an bootloops. I bootet into twrp and all files still no format. Then I reflashed old Rom via twrp.
Yes...install with format data. Last two lines I get an error but process finished. Then I tried to restart phone an bootloops. I bootet into twrp and all files still no format. Then I reflashed old Rom via twrp.
Great format with twrp and then use fastboot flashing with data format