Recent content by CrazyBeaver

  1. C

    New Mi9 camera dont work

    Would help if you mention which exact build you are running. I haven't encountered this problem on the weeklies.
  2. C

    Notifications fixed?

    has been mentioned multiple times already. Has been fixed in global dev, china dev and therefore also in
  3. C

    Widevine L1 / Netflix 15001 error

    Testing right away :) Edit: getting an error that it can't download the certificate Errorcode: -10009
  4. C

    MIUI 10 9.3.28

    Eh why are you even here if you prefer PE. I'm an AOSP guy myself but whining like this here is just pathetic. Have some respect for the community here providing these roms (and starting out with globalising MIUI before Xiaomi themselves did it). If you're getting this annoyed by tapatalk...
  5. C

    Widevine L1 / Netflix 15001 error

    Maybe you're using a different TWRP build than me? I use mauronofrio
  6. C

    Widevine L1 / Netflix 15001 error

    Ah I just had to mount vendor. But unfortunately netflix still doesn't seem to be working. If i need to do any other testing let me know :). Thanks for the effort guys.
  7. C

    Widevine L1 / Netflix 15001 error

    Thanks! Testing right away, will update this post within 15min edit: unfortunately getting error 7 in TWRP while trying to flash, no file_contexts
  8. C

    Widevine L1 / Netflix 15001 error

    Can also confirm netflix 15001 error. Thanks for trying getting this to work though! Edit: did someone already try changing device fingerprint using magiskhideprops? This build has polaris (oreo) fingerprint which might be the cause of netflix 15001 error.
  9. C

    Install on a MI 9 Global without losing data

    You'll have to wipe your data
  10. C

    Fix xiaomi design flaw statusbar icons not persistent

    Supposedly this issue is fixed in new global dev build. Not sure about china dev / Edit: fixed in china/ builds too
  11. C

    Fix xiaomi design flaw statusbar icons not persistent

    In MIUI the statusbar notification icons on Mi 9 are not persistent, it acts like a giant pocophone or mi 8 notch which is very annoying because we actually have the screen estate to show them. Would it be possible for to fix this and make it act like it doesn't have notch?
  12. C

    New Wallpaper carousel not working on 8.6.28

    I can try a clean flash but a friend of mine has whyred and he also has the same issue. Clean flashed 8.6.28 You can't reproduce this?
  13. C

    New Wallpaper carousel not working on 8.6.28

    Yep didn't change the theme at all
  14. C

    New Wallpaper carousel not working on 8.6.28

    I did that immediately after the update today :) The wallpaper carousel simply does nothing when setting it to enabled in lockscreen settings. Also changing any of the settings like update frequence and enable mobile data doesn't help.
  15. C

    New Wallpaper carousel not working on 8.6.28

    Wallpaper carousel doesn't work on MIUI10 on my Mix 2 since the first build. Updated to 8.6.28 and wallpaper carousel is also not working. I tried removing the app data.