Recent content by DerAnner

  1. D

    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    First of all, thanks for your work, again. Really appreciate you guys. Updated this morning, everything is working nicely, as far as I see. But I got error messages during install via TWRP, even though system starts normally afterwards, I am curious what it means and how I can fix this.
  2. D

    Xiaomi 12S Pro keep killing background apps

    Yes. Got a few apps that completely restart after being in the background and then being reopened. Also tried turning off battery saving and enabled autostart, still doing this.
  3. D


    Thanks, did not see that there are different possible commands I could use. Will try again. edit: # restart device # hold "power on" and "volume +" did the trick. thank you very much.
  4. D


    Do you have any idea where I went wrong? I downloaded the [REC] version of twrp for Mi12 cupid. Bootloader unlocked, developer options and oem debugging on. Fastboot mode: use "fastboot flash recovery_ab twrp.img" console says it worked. try the second command: "fastboot reboot-recovery"...
  5. D

    MIUI 13 22.6.29

    Installed the update and everything works fine, except for my telephone symbol being gone. I can only find it by switching to the appdrawer instead of my standart homescreen. Anyone got a solution for that?
  6. D


    For me (Mi11) everything worked fine, from installation to operating the system. All apps I used so far work fine as well, except for BookBeat. The App keeps crashing after a few seconds. Nothing that really worries me, just wanted to mention it. Thanks again for your awesome works devs!
  7. D

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    I updated just now and everything worked fine, thanks to the devs. But is there an option to get rid of the google search bar at the bottom of the screen?
  8. D

    MIUI 12.6 21.10.20/22

    Updated my phone Mi11 this morning via fastboot. Runs smooth, fast and I could not detect any bugs or errors to this point. Thanks a lot to the devs here, you're doing a great job!
  9. D

    [GUIDE][alioth] How to install ROM for Xiaomi Redmi K40

    Switched usb cables already. Can not reboot to stock recovery.
  10. D

    [GUIDE][alioth] How to install ROM for Xiaomi Redmi K40

    I can load the latest TWRP but it does not seem to be installed, no matter what I try. I also get a lot of errors like "could not load vendor" and when I try to push an image to sdcard via fastboot command, it stops at some point and tells me there`s not enough space. I am absolutely clueless on...
  11. D

    [GUIDE][alioth] How to install ROM for Xiaomi Redmi K40

    Hi, I am currently stuck in bootloop. Tried to Install the Rom via the fastboot method described in the first post here. Everything worked fine until it rebooted. Nothing happened Form 30 minutes, just the "POCO" loading Screen. Now I can't do anything, it always goes back to the...
  12. D

    [04/04/2019] [MI 8 *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum*] Xiaomi MI 8 *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* Mod (Stable) [BSG]

    The *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* Mod is working fine, taking nice pics with it. The only problem is, that it creates an own folder for each pic i take. Can i somehow change that?
  13. D

    Resolved Ok Google not working Mi8 8.11.23

    Got the same problem. Could activate the assist and teach himmto recognize my voice, but after finishing that step voice match can not br activated.
  14. D weekly rom OTA?

    You download the zip, put it on your phone and start the update via the updater? Or do you have to do the whole twrp thing again?
  15. D

    MIUI 10 8.9.20

    Ah sorry for the misunderstanding. I was talking about the unlocked bootloader, the device is only paired with my mi/gmail account.