Recent content by naufrago

  1. N

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.9

    Does new Lavender release (with bug audio fixed) have the same TWRP preinstalled?
  2. N

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.2/4

    Thanks. Will Lavender be published in this group?
  3. N

    MIUI 11.2 9.12.26/27

  4. N

    MIUI 10 9.7.18/19

    Thanks dev. Great job. Lavender, silent mode: it's no possibile to remove the vibration from the alarm.
  5. N

    MIUI 10 9.7.4

  6. N


    RN7 Stable eu rom is a very old version. Will you update it? Thanks
  7. N

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    I can't change DPI resolution. RN4x with root (MIUI EU 8.7.26). All DPI changer in PlayStore doesn't work. Just One has worked, bit standard Launcher crashes
  8. N

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    This is my way. But at first starti, I get this popup ""Gboard stopped - Reset Phone - Encryption was interrupted and can't complete". I'm trying to reset phone, but after this operationt, it doesn't start. SOLVED: changed recovery (3.2.2 official) and the system started
  9. N

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    Redmi Note 4x: How to flash this release from LineageOs 15.1 (official, treble version)? May I to use TWRP? Or I have to use fastboot? I ask it because when I use TWRP (format data) after flash the system doesn't start...
  10. N

    MULTI 8.2.1

    I don't understand if the new notifications are integrated (Mido), or if I have to flash it separately
  11. N

    MULTI 7.10.12/13/14

    @ingbrzy: is it possibile to publish 8.5.8 stabile forma Modo? Thanks
  12. N

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    8.5.8 stable for HMNote4x? Is it possible to port in EU version?
  13. N

    MULTI 6.1.28/29/2.4

    Thanks! But Hennessy's link? Ps: sorry. Saw :)
  14. N

    MULTI 6.1.21

    Do you know the difference between this 6.1.21 and the new (not translated) 6.1.23?
  15. N

    [ultimate Guide] How To Unlock Bootloader, Root And Flash Recovery On Redmi Note 3

    @feds64 Thank you for your help. Are you sure that the activation SMS in no more necessary for the unlock phone?